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Posts posted by Eric

  1. It doesn't snow in Buenos Aires. It only happened once since i was born, and it was just a little one night. 


    Anyways, i liked it when i went to NY, or to Argentina's south, but then the streets were slippy and dirty because of it, so i'd say no, i wouldn't like it if i had to live with it. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Da Bazz said:

    Viruses are like parasites and don't want to kill their host cell it just happens by accident. They take advantage of the host to reproduce. I think they somehow trick or attach to the DNA/RNA of the host cell so the host cell starts producing virus cell babies instead of host cell babies. This process eventually destroys all or a large number of host cells if left unchecked and thus kills the host organism. Something along the lines of that. I also vaguely remember they aren't really living things until they enter a host because they don't have any metabolic functions by themselves they don't use any energy isn't that amazing?


    A small anecdote: Imagine you walk into any house and without telling anything you just start living there. All you do is whatever you feel like and leech of the owners. You eat their food, use their shower, toilet, electricity, you pay no rent, don't have a job,.. Eventually to spice things up you have sex with the female and you get a baby. The man dies out of grief (or you kill him you don't care either way), your babies are born and the woman commits suicide. Babies become crazy like their dad and do the same to other randoms a few years down the road. That's basically a viruses life. No fucks given, reproduction is the only goal.


    If you think about it a virus is an insanely sophisticated organism, if u can even call it that since it's not even alive. Imagine the first cell's reaction. They are hard working single cell organisms that desperately search for energy to survive. Then suddenly through some million years of mutations one of the single cell organisms just starts leeching of the workers. Genius!

    Where do i sign up to become a virus? that sounds like an awesome life!

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