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Posts posted by Eric

  1. 3 minutes ago, 3lite said:

    I've actually always wondered about this, if EH was unique in this regard.  EH used to host tanking practice events fairly regularly where our PK leaders would demonstrate proper hugging technique and how to eat in one tick with pizzas + other food.  We would take turns piling a member at random and "testing" them.  Maybe a practice every 2-3 months on average.

    Was this something that other clans did?

    Yeah! i remember having some of those in old clans such as Runeraiders. Also JR clans were a good way to get new people into the pvp aspect of the game. 

    Not long ago, we had a discussion with Brian i think about how to get new people into pvp clans, my point being clans just don't go after new people but the same clanners all the time, and that is why there aren't as many clans as before. 


    For example, when i was in TR we created a JR clan where i'd recruit lvls 90-110 that i just met while doing slayer, and after chatting for a while invited them to join. There we'd have some easy fights in cwa, some AC trips and tanking practices which you mentioned for them to get familiar with the dynamics. 


    So, which other tactics, routines, or just things done as a clan did EH do to get new people into the clanworld? 

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