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2 owes Virgo a rune set

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  1. Definitely VR. There was a lot of history between the two clans. The two clans didn't really like each other, both were formed around the same time from remnants of other clans, both were always around the same strength. I know if there was one clan at the time I didn't like, it was VR. Df was always a fun fight for us and I'd say they were probably our second best rivalry. They also came up around the same time as us and they were also usually around the same strength for as us, but we had much more of a friendly rivalry with them.
  2. Oh man, I don't remember many single clan fights. My favorites were probably my first ones as a commander and having to step up to lead calls. Me and X Zach02 got promoted together and both of us were really new to actually leading the calls, and I remember trying to figure everything out with the rest of the leadership. I remember most of the time we would rotate. Someone would lead all the calls until they died, then the next person would step up, and so on. I'm not sure if other clans did it the same way. My favorite fights to call in were always wars/miniwars. PKRI's over time kind of got old once they turned into who can return the longest, or who has the most people from a certain timezone still going. Those non-returning wars/miniwars were always A LOT of fun, and those actually felt like they were worth a lot more to me than the PKRIs. There was a lot more strategy involved with trying to knock out the other clan's leadership/callers early, and a few bad calls could easily lose a fight. IMO the PKRIs after a while ended up turning into who had the biggest banks and who had the most time to kill. They didn't necessarily start out that way, but that's definitely what they ended up becoming.
  3. There were about 10-15 of us in Eh that moved to WoW and had a raiding guild going for a while. We all had a really good time doing that. I play Valorant/CSGO (more Valorant lately though) and still play OSRS from time to time. I don't really have an answer for this one. The three people in particular I remember liking to deal with was Brian from DI, Veseble from DF, and Andy#### from Cor. They were usually pretty respectful and reasonable. Some others weren't so much...
  4. My rsn back in the day was Uber N00blet, and I was a commander (Pk leader) in Eh from sometime in 2006 to about 2008. Really cool of 3lite, Xero, S17 and Grug to do this thread. It brings back A LOT of memories, but was a member from the start (and was in St from start to finish as well). I can't point to the exact timeframe, and I can't speak for about mid-2008 and forward (I retired around that time), but I'd say our peak while I was there was probably about a year or so after the clan was created. Maybe mid 2007? We were in the discussion with about 4 other clans for the #2 spot. It was super competitive at the time, because I from what I remember us and about 4-5 other clans were very similar in strength. I don't remember who it was, but there was a consensus #1 was at the time (probably Di). Some of those fights we had around that time were A LOT of fun. We were constantly pulling somewhere between 80-100 people, and I felt like we were also one of the most organized. Those fights with VR especially I remember being a lot of fun because of the sort of rivalry we had with them above any other clan really. It was really cool starting from scratch and being happy with turnouts of around 40-50 and building the clan into what it became.
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