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Dubbel Drank

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Dubbel Drank last won the day on December 26 2020

Dubbel Drank had the most liked content!


19 Goofball

About Dubbel Drank

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  1. Lil Blaknite that nigga still owes me a smoke in cali
  2. Seems like you did some player killing
  3. Dubbel Drank


    Well fuck them. From know on I'll remember you when seeing Shakira's beautifull melons bouncing on my screen so who's the winner here?
  4. Shoelace*
  5. Dubbel Drank


    Knowing your name I feel like some Shakira.
  6. It's hard choosing to support either Nullusion or Slaughter but I guess in the end you both still suck. Next time give me a call and I'll come snipe you 🥰
  7. Suprisingly noone made the "I'm clueless" joke so far.
  8. I've always admired and appreciated the second division.
  9. Fuck if I know this guy but atleast he provided the post for me to reply on.
  10. Kutbelg
  11. I want a dragon at the background.
  12. Does this mean only the men get a day off?
  13. I once outtanked him in a 24v24
  14. You are somehwat contradicting yourself, what if DNA and light speed were swapped around in this question? In this absurdity of existance I doubt anything is absolute.
  15. I think were still in the expotential line considering scientific developement, and given enough time I think even the craziest of ideas might be possible given we don't mass extinct ourselfes beforehand. Imagine being able to rewrite DNA so the molecular stucture of the carbon fibers that build our bodies become as strong as a material like graphene? The speed of light can't be exceeded? Pretty sure they'd say your mad if you claimed the same about sound a mere few hundred years ago. All we need to do is counter the resonation that causes the disintegration of materials when exposed to such extremes. Whats the difference between our brainwaves and the electrical waves in the processors/chips in our technology? The're both a type of circuit, both can be measured in Hertz. Why shouldn't they be able to be compatible? What could happen when you link a consious mind with the computing power of quantum technology? Speaking about consiouness, what the hell is that anyway? Your thoughts are a grain of sand in the desert on this clumb of gravity bound atoms, which is a grain of sand in the desert of the few orbs we call our solar system, which is a grain of sand in the desert alongside millions of semi-identical stars and planets in our galaxy, which is a grain of sand in the desert of what is called the visible universe. Beyond that it is claimed the universe expands faster then the speed of light from the stars can reach back. Imagine going full speed in the fastest car ever build on a highway, that gets build faster then you can travel it. Earth is claimed to be 4,5 billion years old, the first humanoids came to action ~1.5 million years ago, the first homosapians ~300.000 years ago, the span of recorded history is roughly 5000 years old. In some ways our existance is utterly meaningless, in the most generous scenario our history is 0.33mm of a 1m timeline. Morals and ethics are irrelevant, unless we trancend ourselves, space and time what value is held in the truths we currently commonly agree on? We realy need a better car.
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