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Posts posted by Nanne30

  1. On 4/6/2023 at 12:35 AM, Vanuckle said:

    What’s one item you bought under $1000 that changed your life for the better?

    Hayden Shapes, Hypto Krypto, its got 6 plus years and still going, Epoxy lasts forever this was $800 back in the day


    DHD DX1 for $600  


    and not going out for a night in europe and saving $400 for a local shaper to create a step up for me for Isla uvita, 


    all of this ar under 1k and changed my life for good, all of them are still alive and going and have got me the better waves and some of my happiest and fondest memories. 





  2. 7 minutes ago, Robin said:

    What is the worlds best ice cream flavour?


     Salted caramel 


    Which is your fav place to get ice cream?


    Not sure, as long as I have it in my own home. Don't really have ice cream anywhere else. Don't really have deserts at restaurants or anything.

    Dude we have a local ice cream shop here called pops it has the best ice cream in the world and its not expensive!


    Salted caramel its ok but never ever beats chocolate!

  3. What is the worlds best ice cream flavour?


     my humble opinion: Chocolate


    Which is your fav place to get ice cream?


    Venchi Ice Cream in Italy, i love Ghirardellis as well or how ever its spelled haha


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