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Posts posted by Nanne30

  1. 2 hours ago, Brian said:

    Long ago in the land of Runescape, the nobility of the land ruled the human kingdoms of Misthalin and Asgarnia.  Under their rule, citizens were allowed to roam freely, fight whomever they wanted, and go on their own quests and adventures.  As time went on under this loose control, bands of thieves and muggers were formed, targeting the weaker and less experienced traveler of Runescape.  The most feared of all those who looted and murdered was a man ironically known as the Messiah.  He fought other humans for pleasure, and the mere mention of his name sent fear into the hearts of the citizens of Runescape.  With all of the rogues and bandits, the rulers of Runescape called their guards back to defend their city borders only, and thus total anarchy took over the country side.  Messiah and his ilk were free to do as they pleased.


    One day, two warriors were attacked by the viscous Messiah.  One was slain, and the other narrowly escaped.  The warrior who survived vowed that he would fight Messiah and his kind until the end of his days.  Thus he banded together an elite group of warriors to combat Messiah; known as the Sabre Clan.  The warrior gave himself the name King Sabre, and thus the first clan emerged on Runescape.  Messiah, fearing that he would be killed for his acts, recruited his associates into the second clan in Runescape, the Messiahs.  Their strategy in warfare was simple – use bows and attack in groups.  The Sabres and the Messiahs were mortal enemies, and huge bounties stacked up on both sides in the war.



    So the first clan was The Sabres,  i had completely forgotten about it, by the time i started clanning i believe they where alive but small .


    Rhanks for sharing this Brian the answer is on that link! 

  2. 11 minutes ago, IMK said:

    How are you going to start a timeline of the clan world and start it off with two incorrect statements

    I am not starting it i am asking about the beggining of it to one of the players that actually was over there. Or maybe explain how it all started mate!

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  3. So basically some people here have been longer than others and have seen things some of us have not.


    Lets try and create a time line on the clan world.


    @Brian if you recall, on what year was DS made giving birth to the clan world?    Also what made you create DI and what year was it? Which where the first 5 clans?


    From what i recall when i was a kid of remembering what i saw around was DE, DI and anarchy this is b4 i started clanning.



    ANSWERS https://www.oocities.org/timmymwd/history.html


    tldr The sabres Clan was the first clan in runescape.com

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