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Posts posted by Nanne30
















    22:54:48 Noobs lnc: Lets go tempy
    22:54:54 Noobs lnc: T nex
    22:54:55 Noobs lnc: T nex
    22:55:05 NewAccount: ?
    22:55:47 Noobs lnc received a drop: Torva platebody (damaged) (389,767,575 coins).
    22:55:51 Noobs lnc received a new collection log item: Torva platebody (damaged) (125/1443)

    22:55:51 dnd5: Lk09wkfa09ksdf0aks9
    22:55:53 The End: Lmfao
    22:55:54 Noobs lnc: I died
    22:55:54 Balk: Omg
    22:55:54 Grappleshot: Lknfsangskg
    22:55:54 NewAccount: Yesssssssssss
    22:55:56 Weak Terror: Yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    22:55:57 NewAccount: Yesssss
    22:56:00 Noobs lnc: I died
    22:56:05 Jim Gym: Ffds
    22:56:05 The End: He died ??
    22:56:08 dnd5: He died
    22:56:11 NewAccount: Whereloc
    22:56:11 NewAccount: Where loc
    22:56:12 The End: Still counts but holy shit..
    22:56:14 Noobs lnc: I died 
    22:56:19 Jim Gym: Where
    22:56:20 Jim Gym: U die
    22:56:24 NewAccount: All go
    22:56:24 Noobs lnc: Where i was lol

    22:56:26 Weak Terror: Lololol tempest pick it up
    22:56:27 Encore: Lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    22:56:31 NewAccount: Just spam 
    22:56:37 Balk: Omg
    22:56:39 Fuggin ym: Wtf?
    22:56:42 Fuggin ym: How the fuck
    22:56:53 Jim Gym: We got it
    22:56:57 Balk: Ahhhhhh
    22:56:58 Littlejr05: No fucking wauy lol
    22:57:00 Noobs lnc: Yess gj fellas
    22:57:01 Weak Terror: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
    22:57:01 The End: How did we get it?
    22:57:02 Balk: Gj sheli
    22:57:04 The End: Who looted it lol?
    22:57:06 Jim Gym: Sheli looted
    22:57:09 Encore: Give Nanne a -10% on his split
    22:57:10 dnd5: I died
    22:57:11 Grappleshot: Sheli got it
    22:57:12 The End: Lmao sheli saved nanne life
    22:57:13 Sheli: I got it lol
    22:57:22 Littlejr05: L0l0
    22:57:23 The End: Nanne literally 10x'ed his bank
    22:57:25 The End: To die
    22:57:26 Weak Terror: Yuge split
    22:57:27 Jim Gym: Nanne can i get a split
    22:57:29 Jim Gym: I was returning
    22:57:30 Fuggin ym: Ur so lucky nanne
    22:57:41 The End: Hopefully we got a pic of this fiasco

    22:57:52 Noobs lnc: Im just in panic mode
    22:58:02 Encore: Dumbass
    22:58:05 Noobs lnc: Atm
    22:58:06 dnd5: Sheli picked it up
    22:58:10 Noobs lnc: Ye ik
    22:58:23 Noobs lnc: Omw picking my shit up
    22:58:24 Grappleshot: Let sheli sell and split 
    22:58:30 Encore: You died to Nex after it died. You died to Wrath. A prayer move
    22:58:35 Noobs lnc: Ty true
    22:58:47 NewAccount: U cant make this up.. @nanne lol
    22:58:53 Noobs lnc: Bro i miss clicked  after he died
    22:59:03 Fuggin ym: What kc nanne?
    22:59:06 Fuggin ym: And was it his mvp?
    22:59:14 Jim Gym: No shot it was his mvp
    22:59:29 Fuggin ym: Im just asking lol
    22:59:42 Noobs lnc: Wasent even potted
    22:59:45 Noobs lnc: !Kc nex
    23:00:13 Noobs lnc: Did someone take screenshot?
    23:00:28 Weak Terror: Thats how you get drops just call a t pile
    23:00:46 Noobs lnc: Nice 64m
    23:00:51 dnd5: I got a pic
    23:00:57 Noobs lnc: Ty brother
    23:01:00 dnd5: Post a topic ill message oyu
    23:01:04 Noobs lnc: We still have not completed tyle right?
    23:01:09 Noobs lnc: Tile
    23:01:13 Littlejr05: Ok
    23:01:23 Noobs lnc: So we going back right?
    23:01:36 The End: Post topic of u in edge + sheli selling in ge pic
    23:01:40 The End: So it shows we looted it back
    23:01:44 Noobs lnc: Dude 
    23:01:51 Noobs lnc: I just got 64m lol from shelly
    23:01:51 dnd5: I sent nannme pic of chatbox as well
    23:01:56 dnd5: Yeah we going back
    23:03:54 Noobs lnc: Can we go back?
    23:03:58 Noobs lnc: Or u guys done?
    23:04:02 Littlejr05: Otw
    23:04:10 Noobs lnc: I have to get kc like a simp
    23:04:18 Littlejr05: It takes 2 mins
    23:04:19 Grappleshot: We still need 1 more nex unique 
    23:04:35 Noobs lnc: See guys i spammed t nex
    23:04:39 Noobs lnc: Pile on him
    23:04:42 Noobs lnc: Got the pl8
    23:06:19 Noobs lnc: Sheli

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