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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) Nanne30 Preferred Name Charlie Current Clan clanless looking to make a comeback on a warring clan. Both of my last clans were on gmt timezone and im in Costa Rica it became hard to attend events with work looking for an eastern time zone clan. Previous Clan History OSRS: The rising (years ago), forsaken (like 1-2 years ago?) Who do you know in Tempest? The end one of my oldest rs friends, also tika is in here and ive seen on forums a couple of names . Are you interested in joining? - yes i am Brief Introduction - Well my name is carlos im located in San Jose, Costa Rica. 31 years old atm model 89 haha, been scaping since early 2000s. Always belonged in the f2p clanning scene. Was in a bunch of clans , my last one was solace. Finished my MBA a year ago already and i am working in a development firm. Been paying p2p for the last couple of months, trying to get back in the saddle but being clanless is kinda pointless in rs atleast for me haha gotta love 2 war and pk. Some of my hobbies are fishing and surfing though i live in the city its just a short hour and twenty drive to get there. Sorry for my grammar/ english.
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