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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. wow u guys live in beautifull places aswell!! @Killaz i love eating @ lukes lobster those guys from main, they know how to do it!
  2. Goverment is giving the vaccione here periodically to the population the eldest go 1st and so on. Ill get mine eventually.
  3. Yoooo so where are you guys from? Show me something unique or special from your country or state. It can be anything. Always cool to learn from other people and their cultures. ill go 1st these are a couple of ads that have been running internationally.
  4. had a blast 3-4 deaths countless kills, snare blast unit str0ng. load of fun, thx 2 the leardeship for organizing this fun event.
  5. only 2 seasons here, rainy and summer but lately its been raining here during the summer aswell though bright shiny days quick rains, keeps everything green. gotta love the tropics
  6. its over there my man! good times!! pm me via discord @Bobicles2 im Nanne30 #3510
  7. Dammmm this looked like so much fun! deff wanna try some p2p warring/pking! cant wait, GJ tempest! gfgf
  8. Thx for the warm welcome fellas!
  9. currently living in a apartment with no garden but on my farm we grow onions, chile dulce, culantro, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, squash, lemons, apples, avocado, berries, herbs, bunch of other stuff haha
  10. Hey bro! long time! all good! HBU? thx guys! @Luckygtm we were in same clan =]
  11. clanning and warring, cant see myself doing anything else, i mean i pvm its how i make my gp but i pvm with clan so i kinda only play 4 clanning hahaha seems pointless 2 me atm to play without a clan im lost in the game, after so many years. its what keeps me comming back. Hearing the scimmys hit ur rune kite while tanking XD
  12. thx guys! @Vanzant we have shared clanns b4 haha @Venenatis hey my man! its been a while! @Pietru yup i remember ur rsn! how u been dude! @The End❤️
  13. Thx 4 the welcome guys!!! Yeah i remember that was a loong long long crashwar haha @Da Bazz
  14. Thx true! Means alot comming from you. We have faught each other for years in clans hahaha.
  15. Yeah its what ive heard, just bought an accurate valiant 500n gotta try that bad boy @ negritos island hopefully a good grouper or something big smacks my jigs!
  16. Thx 4 the warm welcome guys. @Da Bazz what was ur rsn back in the day?
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