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Old School
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Posts posted by Frankventura

  1. I had 4 goals, and I missed one


    Dragon Trophy (my first one)

    Max cape (and I've got it, for the first time)

    Infernal Cape (did it twice, the second time I did with range only, zcb w/ dragon diamond and sub 60, no axe and i was wep master, but didnt use a spec)

    Learning ToA (this one I missed, my build was really bad for maging, I only had master wand with barrage and the only upgrade I could have was having a shadow from ToA, which I didnt, but did improve my skills alot there)


    Had fun with this league, learned alot of new things that will help me out in main game

  2. image.png.ba157584435317157e9a17d1dde7394a.png


    And like this, leagues have come to an end.


    Gratz to IronBlogs, I guess it was our best tempy with 64k points


    Were you guys able to complete all the goals you had for this leagues? What was left to do?

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