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  1. Tag

    94 Runecrafting

    Wouldn't have the patients for it, well done!
  2. I've got a half bottle of Hendrics in the fridge that hasn't been touched since Christmas... That's the sort of drinker I am. 😄
  3. Familiar name, remember you from my time in TT.👍 Welcome to the forums.
  4. I've never played the game to make bank/skill, therefor I never had the bank to back me up for pvp fights, with that being said, probably half of Lith community have donated sets to me at some stage .. Even now, after 5 years Steikas has helped me with bank to join Tempest.
  5. Thanks for doing the AMA. What are your thoughts on LPT compared to other GMT clans.
  6. Leaders: Mattbrazil Bishinmo Warlords: B289 Conditions21 Gochance1 Councils: The End Robtokill Andy4309 Ghjjf Members: A_T_B_TTpk LightningC1 Lassuri iSh0w Raamsdonkje1 F1r3o Felipe prieb Craizy9 OA D0nts R4ng3r
  7. Tag


    Definetly looking forward to it now.
  8. Tag


    I'm alright mate, settled down during the years, got married, 2 kids, focusing on my career at the moment. How's yourself? Do you still play?
  9. 1st bit of action in 5 years, and as much as I enjoyed my time in ROT before quitting I found it very surprising to see such an ineffective attempt at whatever this even was. I guess everything changed over the years. Anyway, thanks for the action everyone involved, it was enjoyable.
  10. I remember having several challenging fights with you guys while I was a part of Lpt. I struggled to take fights seriously against Brazilian clans since clans like WL, HA, Arroz where more based on quantity rather than quality, but you guys where different, your memberbase quality was much higher to any other Brazilian clan which made the fights so competitive. How did you go about introducing and maintaining the attitude of being quality driven?
  11. Tag

    Marvel being casual

    Looking forward to watching these movies. I like the way marvel is able to connect the movies to make a trilogy or even more, and it always makes sense.
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