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About francis172

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  1. Hi Brian, Interesting ama so far, like the other one. ( Thanks Null for posting ama link on discord :$) I have some questions for you ;).These are all related (for rs) during di rs2 era. I will try not to ask the same questions that have been asked before in current ama and previous one. My English is still not perfect, haha. At what time/did you enjoy RS the most If you compare the 04/05/06/07/08/09 era with each other and why? At what period from 04-09 did you like the clan community the most and why ? At what period from 04-09 did you like the DI members community the most and why ? What are your top 3/4/5 pk videos you liked to watch from your own intro/fa members? What are your top 3/4/5 pk videos you liked to watch from people outside of DI? What are your top 3/4/5 clan,pk run in, war videos you liked to watch from your own intro/fa members? What are your top 3/4/5 clan, pk run in, war videos you liked to watch from people outside of DI? If you compare the workload from 04 to 09. Can you rank (and explain) the years from low/easy to hard/tough? Example: 2005 =4 : this was the easiest year as we crushed all clans. 2007 = 1. This was the hardest year as we had to deal with people retiring after DS died, clans catching up on us @ hp levels. Fighting more NH clans on p2p, dealing with a lot of spies etc. How did a regular day look like for you as an leader ? Example: you wake up, open up/load DI forums,msn , IRC and check mail/pm’s and then discuss wth ranked members, log into rs and afterwards check for news/updates ? If you could train someone/some people around 08-09 to delegate your leadership to hand over DI…who would (these persons) it be? If you were away (few days off, holidays, due to rl concerns) the organization could be bad. This was imo an weakness. Do you not regret delegating your leadershipstyle to certain warlords/ranked members so that we would be more organized in case you were not there ? What did you expect in general as an warlord of DI? And how come some of them did disappoint you ? What did you see in them (potentially)? As you mentioned that you had regret to appoint Suffocate etc. Would there be any other important goal/subgoals if we maintained #1 in p2p+ f2p like in 2004/2005 ? What would be this goal ? DI was the only clan that had the most members that were (high) ranked members in previous clans. What were your thoughts on people like (just to name a few that pop up in my mind) ex-trwf leader Kammerat did not go for an rank? Which member(s) did you want to see in any kind of role and why.. but never applied for it? You mentioned The lord### as an underrated member. Are there in your opinion more and if yes, can you name then? For example Skater#### and Zparanoid were underrated for me. If you were obligated to do an shout out to all members when you closed down DI..how would you handle it ? (will you just say for example: goodluck in real life or be more personally/directly and say things that you remember of them during the time the person was a DI member ? Which ex-di member/intro/fa you secretly wanted in di/or at least give an shot but never got into di and why ? I remember people like hellhole###, mta, dnas3, bibbleboy never got (back) in DI. Why was Geezerpunk (and maybe others) allowed to have an app. poll as he only (if I remember good) pked a few weeks with us while all members around middle/late -05 to -09 needed to pk at least for an month ? Did he do something behind the scenes what we as normal/non ranked members were not aware of ? Were there still spies left after DI closed? (Sandman for example..as you think was lol?)If yes, who were these spies ?If yes, what did they do good as you did not catch them? What are your thoughts/sentiments on the whole spying that occurred in 2007 ? (pay back for us?) How do your real life friends describe you ?(example:friendly person, loud, open) Ever went to see an match of cr7 irl? At what rank/how will Man U end this season in PL and CL ? Thanks in advance for answering 😉
  2. Hej, ja ik ben nederlands. De enige NL clan waar ik in heb gezeten was DOZ. (in 2004 ofzo ) Nadat DOZ een einde had gemaakt ben ik naar hun ally gegaan @ The Titans met nog meer DOZ vrienden.
  3. Hi all, Hope everyone is doing fine in these times. I am just dropping by as corona is pushing me to do some random stuff honestly. I wanted to see how the clan world in rs goes actually and saw that this forums was active incl. "old school players", so wanted to share some nostalgic things. I don’t think most will remember me as I was not an “huge” rs player or anything haha. I never intentionally applied for an rank in any clan as I just wanted to play the game without having any responsibilities lol. Some background info; The first “big “clan I joined was The Titans. I was in this clan from around approximately early 2005/end 2004 till like sept 2005. (we owned Exer,corr most of the times and these clans hated us so much cause of it haha). From like the fall of 2005 many (high ranked) members left (nhia, generalshad, jbk, xbghost ) and went to RSD. There were no big turnouts for pk’s anymore in the Titans so I also left the Titans. I joined RSD cause of the friends I made in Titans went there. In RSD I stayed approximately 3-4 months. ( don’t remember exactly as it was long time ago) . Somewhere in December 2005 I left RSD cause it did not have the same atmosphere as in The Titans. (Pretty dumb to think of me by that time that it could be the same as The Titans) After I left RSD I just wanted to join a clan which I admired a lot when I was in The Titans. Those clans were TD, RSD and DI back then. TD was not an option by that time as it was closed or I did not have any friends there. I had 2 friends already in DI by that time (Yoeni and I eimis I both from The Titans). So by the end of 2005 I intro’d /started to pk with DI. Was accepted in DI after an half year lol. I got declined twice cause of bs reasons :P. (and also applications were not open all the time from the start of the year 06 till mid 2006) . I was in DI(1) till the closure. (I was retired towards the end) Below are some nostalgic pictures when I was in the Titans, RSD, DI. Titans: Waiting for eos: after winning vs a clan/team: march towards gds: after win vs exer: march towards gds (p2p): fight vs fom I think?: walk towards edge after winning vs a clan: RSD: (Unfortunately, only pic I have left saved while being in rsd ) run in vs THE I think?: DI: Some pics of so called hit and runs vs TD : Random pic of starting opts of fight vs ROT?: Di vs rot: Di vs rsd tank fight, I guess: Di vs small ds team at mb? (not sure, but they were not good on p2p) DI vs rsd on f2p: DI vs df?: Proud to be di: Run in to gladz at mb? DI vs some lure/nh teams? f2p trip led by Mta: Saw geezerpunk (@ ama topic) is around here, so might as well post this random/normal edge pk kill of him lol: I have more pictures but those are almost only kill pictures lol. Anyway, hope you all can enjoy 😉.
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