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Everything posted by Sprogie

  1. Earphones whilst at work/gym Headsets just irritate my ears.
  2. Taking a different approach these days
  3. Cheers mate been a while ain't it? Cheers pal Thanks pal I'm over the worst of it. Out of isolation on Friday as long as I am symptomless. Last week and weekend was dreadful though never felt as rough as this. As for my intro no idea depends if I still Scape post isolation πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  4. Smashing it bro not be long and you'll be pumping out 3
  5. There's a few I enjoyed. When I was in DF and had a war with 'The' (I think it was them) that was first big war I was involved in. Then the big p2p fights whilst Di in multi against everyone. And also the big MB fights
  6. I understand when we were all kid's but now vast majority of us have kid's and still behaving like this? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ I guess I'll just have to grab the popcorn 🍿🍿
  7. This sort of thing still goes on? 🀣 I'd of thought everyone would of grown up by now and just have funπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  8. Yeah what's your lifting/cardio routine? What are your goals? So you want to lose fat but your trying to bulk at same time it can happen with a recomp diet but it's slow unless your using PEDs and I don't recommend them at this stage if at all. You have to decide really what you want to do if you want to get to 90kg then adjust diet and slowly add on the weight to get as much lean mass as possible. BMR is basal metabolic rate. So how many calories your body needs each day to just maintain your current bodyweight If you know roughly what this is then you can adjust your calories from there. What sort of carbs and fats are you consuming? When do you take them? If your not gaining weight at 3600 calories then you need to add more calories. Do you carb cycle at all or is it just the same every day? If you are leaning out whilst staying at 85kg then your diet at moment would need an extra 300-500 calories in diet to add 1lb/.5kg a week which is all you need. You can send a reply via PM if it's easier mate I can go through everything if you want. Working from home at moment and I got plenty of time to kill πŸ˜….
  9. My disc crashes constantly on my phone so not got it at minute until I get a new phone. What's your full routine? Are you making progress in other areas? Do you count your calories to make sure your eating enough every day? What is your macro nutrient breakdown? Do you know what your BMR is? Do you factor in your American football for calories burnt and adjust your diet accordingly? If your not gaining weight you need to eat more.
  10. Cheers everyone. It's nice to see a community still going strong. I have been browsing over forums during another sleepless night. Rona has hit me like a tonne of bricks, never felt so weak in my life. I'm about 7 days in now so fingers crossed I'm through the worst of it.
  11. Is that at gym with full access to equipment or home workout? Is it standing press or seated for barbell? What about rear delts? Are you using same weight each set or progressively getting heavier? If your not making progress make changes to the workout and make sure your diet is in check.
  12. Thanks haha. I've had my first vaccine but this has knocked me for 6. Hopefully I'm over the worst of it all now
  13. dirty bulk to force the growth... and just gain fat instead of lean mass? just up your calories by 300-500 each day until you start to gain 1lb a week. good plan for shoulders what are you doing for them currently? - Thought I'd post and get this thread going again. My current goals is working on strongman style lifts - atlas stones, stone carries, yoke, log press ect.. I was going to be competing in local strongman competition but due to covid was pushed back to next year so for now focusing on strength gains in those lifts.
  14. Yeah we've always had contact with each other over the years.
  15. Hey Brian, How's it going. Ah I remember fighting against EH some good times.
  16. Yeah I'm not surprised, need to pass the time somehow πŸ˜‚
  17. I ain't a beast in game though lad 😞
  18. Current Clan N/A Previous Clan History From what i can remember.. SS in 05 DF in 06 Di Fa in 06/07 Di Member 09 Who do you know in Tempest? Null, Brian. Probably a lot more Are you interested in joining? Don't really scape enough. Brief Introduction: So I've got COVID and I am currently stuck in isolation. So Null told me to sign up to forums as I cant do anything apart from twiddle my thumbs currently. My names Liam I'm 31, from Notts UK. Spend my time working, gym and with the Mrs. Oh and the odd occasion on OSRS as I started scaping again last year when first lock down happened. So just here to see whose still about.
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