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What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? 


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?



Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?


What would it take you to quit your job?


Are you happy with your Job?


What do you like about your job?


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?



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27 minutes ago, Nanne30 said:

What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? 


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?



Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?


What would it take you to quit your job?


Are you happy with your Job?


What do you like about your job?


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

probably a previous job where the management was useless (no guidance for a new employee/someone new in the field + 3 managers within 6 months 1 of whom i never met in person + other shit)


wont go into detail and it was a customer not one of our guys but to put it vaguely very poor/illegal handling of classified data (and yes they were investigated because of it)


yes? doesn't that happen in almost every job lol. it's usually coming from a good place though and never really intended to be actually toxic.


a better job or a highly toxic environment probably?




not as much like just an absence of things i dislike, the people i work with are solid though and ive learned a good amt 


idk ? it's work lol


to some degree yea 

Edited by Adam_








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What has been your worst experience on a work environment? 


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?


Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?


What would it take you to quit your job?
If they don't stfu


Are you happy with your Job?
It's alright


What do you like about your job?


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?
Short days


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

Half and half

Demonic Empire | Tempest 



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What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment?  People that dont mind their own business for sure, ask me on ts and ill tell you some stories


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office? I've seen it all



Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work? No doubt, expect you to work but they dont even show up, thank god i always gave them the middle finger


What would it take you to quit your job? Only my last job took me a bit longer because the pay was good but glad i made the move and im doing great now


Are you happy with your Job? Hell yea


What do you like about your job? WFH no bullsht


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work? Payday


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them? Working from home you get to avoid those pricks

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What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? 

toxic management


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?

people saying I'm not doing my job when I'm literally doing it

Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?

yes, always have been


What would it take you to quit your job?

I already did quit my previous job...what made it the final straw was when people saying I'm not doing my job when I ask them go see CCTV what I've been doing the whole day and they didn;t want to.

Are you happy with your Job?

I was happy with my job for the first 6 months but then the next 6 months was hellish

What do you like about your job?

Sitting in my office, doing IT things that I'm comfortable with

Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?

Met a great chinese friend, super friendly and we've been close friend ever since

Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

with only 1 of it deserve to be called as a friend, the rest I tend to avoid to this day.

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What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? 

Can't really say I've had anything that could constitute a ranking of "worst experience". Some days are shit with people on vacation or hella workloads, but nothing really bothers me too much.


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?

Probably when they put Dwight's desk in the bathroom


Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?

Not really. Not to my face anyway


What would it take you to quit your job?

If I get passed up on a promotion again


Are you happy with your Job?

Not really. Pays the bills but I don't see it as a career at the moment.


What do you like about your job?

Good mix of physical labor and computer work.


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?

When I get to go home


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

I consider myself on good terms with just about everyone at work. Talk a fair bit on the job but I prefer not to talk too much with em outside of work.


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What has been your worst experience on a work environment?
Going by my entire career, it would probably be bad management; had one time in a previous job where we had to pick 3/4 days to work (christmas/eve new years/eve) and I picked every single day but new years eve (had outing with family planned, once a year), other employees did not even pick anything (or only 1-2 shifts), and I ended up getting a death shift on NYE because they 'did a raffle' and 'I got picked'. Ended up quitting and the manager who picked me ended up doing the shift herself (karma)


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?

Probably arguments and looking down on literally everyone; really hate when people get belittled like that, especially at work.


Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?

Ya, I used to do the work of 5 other people alongside my manager who used to do work for 12 other people before I found a better job, because everyone else was fuck all useless


What would it take you to quit your job?

Bad atmosphere, really unfair decisions, overly toxic environment.


Are you happy with your Job?

It's alright. I'm hoping to get into higher positions though.


What do you like about your job?

The people; everyone's really nice and down to earth. Also good atmosphere for the most part.


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?

The part where I open the door and shout 'have a good shift guys!!!' and go home.


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

Ya, I would speak to them outside of work too. Wouldn't say I'm particularly close to anyone though.

Edited by Pietru
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8 hours ago, IMK said:

What has been your worst experience on a work enviorment? 

Can't really say I've had anything that could constitute a ranking of "worst experience". Some days are shit with people on vacation or hella workloads, but nothing really bothers me too much.


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?

Probably when they put Dwight's desk in the bathroom


Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?

Not really. Not to my face anyway


What would it take you to quit your job?

If I get passed up on a promotion again


Are you happy with your Job?

Not really. Pays the bills but I don't see it as a career at the moment.


What do you like about your job?

Good mix of physical labor and computer work.


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?

When I get to go home


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?

I consider myself on good terms with just about everyone at work. Talk a fair bit on the job but I prefer not to talk too much with em outside of work.

Jello move on dwights things was funny, but yes the bathroom scene hahahah



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What has been your worst experience on a work environment?


Being berated by a manager for something out of my control before having the knowledge or experience to realise how disgusting that behaviour was.


What is the worst thing you have seen on the office?


I've seen members of staff assaulted/verbally abused by customers. In the food/retail industry this is pretty common.


Has your boss or someone ever given you a hard time at work?


Everyday lmao, it becomes much easier to deal with when you start to understand what your rights are as an employee.


What would it take you to quit your job?/Are you happy with your Job?/What do you like about your job?


I genuinely love my job. I love the craft and I love the people I work with. The only downside is customers. The general public are so much more retarded than most people realise. Yeah the hours suck, getting up at 3-4am everyday is pretty terrible but I also enjoy my day being over at 12/1/2pm rather than 4/5/6pm. I'd probably quit for a substantial payrise/better hours.


Best thing that has ever happened to you at work?


Passing my apprenticeship with the highest possible grade (full marks on my written exam btw).


Are you friends with your co workers or do you try to avoid them?


For the most part. Some people you just tolerate.

Edited by Wee Man
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