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hey there

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-eh anything under the sun i reckon lol.

Current Clan
-Ive been clanless since ronin died. 

Previous Clan History
-I was in TT/ronin in osrs and TT/cr/rsd from what I remember in rs2. 


Who do you know in Tempest?
-I know india, Kai and most likely a few others that I lost touch with. 


How did you find/hear about Tempest?
-I found out about Tempest from Kai and india. Was going to join in the past but ended up taking a 1-2 year break from rs.

Are you interested in joining?
-Possibly in the future but i’m a bit poor as fuck right now lol.

Brief Introduction 

Been playing rs since 04? and played on pures until 07 or so.(i bigfo0t i) Been around the clanning scenes basically since i started rs. Started out poor and fastforward 21 years I’m still poor lol.

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Hey, welcome

- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
- Damage Inc Warlord General -



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Howdy sailor





Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.

Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.

For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


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Welcome, stick around and don't stress about being broke, plenty of GP flowing once you get PKin and PvMin' with the boys


IBM Thinkpad - IM Wojak - Cloud Rat

Previously The Stricken Cards - License 2 Kill - Infinite Lurers - Reign of Terror

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Posted (edited)

What up bro. If you're willing to put to effort in with forums, discord, in game activity I can help out monetarily 

Edited by Kai


Legendz | The Titans | Tempest

[Templar Jan & Feb 2023]










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