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How much pocket money you use to get as a child?

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Made my own money as a teenager so never really needed pocket money from my parents. I'm sure I asked once or twice though.



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None but I used to buy bulk pixie sticks from Sam's club for 4$ a box of 50 then sell them at school for 50 cents each and that's how I paid for p2p

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Not much, like with others we didn't have much. We had food on the table and firewood but nothing extra.

As I see it money needs to be earned. Pocket money without any work in return doesn't sit well with my thinking and so it doesn't happen.





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"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honour.


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The majority of people in Ireland were "poor" (I mean no one was going hungry or anything) up until the late 90s, so we didn't really have discretionary income up until that point. By that time I started to have my own money anyway.

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Only when doing chores or cutting grass I started at about 10-12 years old

maybe 10-20$ a week


For my kids I got money in investement that will help them when they get older.

No plan to give them ‘’ tht much for now ‘’ but they are young

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Le fuck? thought you kids in America were getting $20 daily from your parents


I used to get $1 some days which was enough to buy a sandwich and a coke or something similar


You did get pizza at school and lockers, right @NewAccount



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18 minutes ago, Alorus said:

Le fuck? thought you kids in America were getting $20 daily from your parents


I used to get $1 some days which was enough to buy a sandwich and a coke or something similar


You did get pizza at school and lockers, right @NewAccount



Ye this can be true, some kids in my class bring their own fancy lunches instead of eating school lunch. 

Demonic Empire | Tempest 



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