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#serious-chat presents: Abortion


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This topic is mainly aimed at Americans, as the topic of abortion is and has been embedded within our political discourse for many decades. But if you're not American and have an opinion on it, be my guest to chime in. And if you don't feel comfortable to post how you feel on here, whether out of shame or you just don't care, worry not, there's plenty of 91 fishing achievement topics to go post gz on.


With that out of the way, how do you feel in regards to abortion? Feel free to go into as much detail as you want as it can be a complex topic. But I'd definitely like to avoid people trolling. I'll have bomb harass anyone who does



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Abortion is up to the individual and i think most restrictions (around 24 weeks) is fine.


The idea that some americans saying if someone gets raped that they have to keep the baby to term, especially in young people below the age is 18 is fucking bizarre to me.




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Not an American but I'll TLDR my opinion on abortion.


It is better to have an abortion, than add a child with yet another shit start to life in the world. There's an argument of 'if you have sex, children will be born' wear a condom etc but the reality is, people are stupid, kids are especially stupid. It is not fair to punish a child by forcing them to be born to stupid parents and live a childhood in foster care/care homes.


An abortion should be signed off by both parents when it comes to consexual sex, woman can say it's their body, but that baby is half someone else's. You both made the decision to make you, therefore it's both your decision to keep it.


Rape is non-negotiable. If a woman is pregnant as a result of rape, the decision rests entirely with her whether to keep it. Post-natal depression is no fucking joke and so again I state that if a child cannot be born into a position where their parents can give them the best life possible, it's better they aren't born at all.


Personally I think more people should adopt, the problem is the process is so convoluted that it heavily discourages couples to open their loving homes to a child that needs one - and then even when you foster or adopt there are rules - rules that won't apply when it's your own child (that I learned about from my foster parent friends); it becomes far easier at that point to just make one.


I'm from Italy which has some good rules - and some stupid. One good rule is once the choice is made, you have to sit out 7 days before it will happen. The 90 day rule is also fair, that is more than enough fucking time. The shit rule, which I think we share with America is you have to be 18 to have an aborted; when in contrast for me no one under the age of 18 should be having kids. yes there are some exemptions that can override this, but there shouldn't need to be. In Italy, the age of consent is 14 years, in the vast majority of the western world it is 16. This is also a country where kids grow up fast and are given a lot of priveledges and responsibilities earlier than say - the UK. Like you can go to a bar at 14, shoot some snooker and drink with your friends. The alcohol purchase age in Italy is 18 but this in reality is never enforced, I was able to buy beer as a 12-13 year old because the culture is good; kids don't cause trouble. If you can consent to sex, you can make decisions about your future.


Fuck this still ended up TLDR.

Edited by Lavigne








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Abortion will depend on parents but it's fucked up to abort if the baby already have developed hands and feet unless it's due to a health reasons

Edited by Megaman
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Too many variables to list, but within 20-24 weeks, parents have to agree if married, if not it is mothers choice.  Obv rape is completely up to female if abortion or not.


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People and politicians will manipulate the narrative to paint people who get abortions as some murderous demons killing newborn children, which is simply a load of shit. Incentivize the beauty of childbirth by offering programs that help those who need it (literally offer EXTENDED length maternity leave for jobs, the US statistics regarding this compared to almost every other first world country is pathetic) and provide access to abortions (up to a certain amount of weeks) for those who are not fit to carry a child to birth or provide a healthy life. 

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i believe that bodily autonomy is the only rule, what you do with your body is none of my business.

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Pet_dagannoth_rex.png?e2d9bPet_chaos_elemental.png?e2d9bBaby_mole.png?81388Kalphite_princess.png?d8722Pet_smoke_devil.png?fe846Pet_snakeling.png?c0946Chompy_chick.png?36657Abyssal_orphan.png?5bab3Heron.png?80b36Heron.png?80b36Olmlet.png?d8722Skotos.png?52875Herbi.png?d8722 Nid.png?b5a13


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11 minutes ago, Tyler said:

i believe that bodily autonomy is the only rule, what you do with your body is none of my business.

Even if someone is doing crystal meth?

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1 hour ago, Alorus said:

Both parents have a say, not an easy decision, case by case


53 minutes ago, bomb said:

you should be able to choose what you do with your body the fake man in the sky doesnt get a say


Demonic Empire | Tempest 



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Their choice, if it's a serious committed relationship like some already mentioned it's a bit different, to where i'd hope it'd at least be a discussion, but still, ultimately the woman's choice 


With health concerns, rape/incest/whatever then there's really not even a discussion to be had


1 hour ago, Lavigne said:

Not an American but I'll TLDR my opinion on abortion.


It is better to have an abortion, than add a child with yet another shit start to life in the world. There's an argument of 'if you have sex, children will be born' wear a condom etc but the reality is, people are stupid, kids are especially stupid. It is not fair to punish a child by forcing them to be born to stupid parents and live a childhood in foster care/care homes.


An abortion should be signed off by both parents when it comes to consexual sex, woman can say it's their body, but that baby is half someone else's. You both made the decision to make you, therefore it's both your decision to keep it.


Rape is non-negotiable. If a woman is pregnant as a result of rape, the decision rests entirely with her whether to keep it. Post-natal depression is no fucking joke and so again I state that if a child cannot be born into a position where their parents can give them the best life possible, it's better they aren't born at all.


Personally I think more people should adopt, the problem is the process is so convoluted that it heavily discourages couples to open their loving homes to a child that needs one - and then even when you foster or adopt there are rules - rules that won't apply when it's your own child (that I learned about from my foster parent friends); it becomes far easier at that point to just make one.


I'm from Italy which has some good rules - and some stupid. One good rule is once the choice is made, you have to sit out 7 days before it will happen. The 90 day rule is also fair, that is more than enough fucking time. The shit rule, which I think we share with America is you have to be 18 to have an aborted; when in contrast for me no one under the age of 18 should be having kids. yes there are some exemptions that can override this, but there shouldn't need to be. In Italy, the age of consent is 14 years, in the vast majority of the western world it is 16. This is also a country where kids grow up fast and are given a lot of priveledges and responsibilities earlier than say - the UK. Like you can go to a bar at 14, shoot some snooker and drink with your friends. The alcohol purchase age in Italy is 18 but this in reality is never enforced, I was able to buy beer as a 12-13 year old because the culture is good; kids don't cause trouble. If you can consent to sex, you can make decisions about your future.


Fuck this still ended up TLDR.

Do brits have a different meaning of TLDR or 

  • Haha 1








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If the baby is a result of rape or some non consensual cause - don't make the child suffer.


If its a committed relationship, then it should be discussed and even then, its still a really difficult decision.


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