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Kill boy

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1 hour ago, Slimmy said:

Ye i did.. actually very unlucky, a friend took it ,sold all my stuff and he got caught, then i went mia for about 2 years since working on a medical center (clinical labs) and currently attending my 2nd year on the Medical School, kinda funny tho i wasn't expecting to make a comeback since this whole situation (rona) suddenly appeared, but since all the uni went virtual plus my shifts sched are gmt friendly i gave one more shot and started  grinding from scratch, got 126 pretty fast (in about 4 months) and here i am, although i don't think scaping like Eric does rn. Ben hg stepped down from his leader role so the whole leadership..making TR close once again.

Sorry to hear that amigo, that's a proper shitter with the account! Atleast you have got a replacement tho i guess. Sounds like you have been a busy man with IRL and doing well, same goes for me. This rona situation has proper flipped the world on its head tho, and changed the way alot of things operate. Rona plus the English winter, has got me buying members again, even if its only pking at the weekends. Will have to have a proper catch up with ya sometime one day! Sucks if TR is going to close again aswell ?

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