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Jose's intro


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Current Clan

No current main clan, I'm in an LPC clan Terror

Previous Clan History

Violent Resolution for about 5 years pre EOC


Who do you know in Tempest?

I do not know anybody in this clan, hoping to change that

Are you interested in joining?

I'm definitely interested in joining in on action

Brief Introduction

My name is Jose, going on 26 now next month. Currently living in Miami, Florida. I love being in the ocean, i own a jetski and a boat so you'll catch me posting that every now and then lol. Been playing Runescape since as long as i can remember. I used to love playing this game, mainly for clanning events. Used to love being part of a community with a group of people who were always down to have a good time. I quit for a couple years once RS3 came out. Eventually couple years passed and i made a random pure just to log in an pk to have a good time. Was introduced by a long time friend into a clan called Terror which at the time was XLPC = 70 combat cap. Eventually the clan turned into LPC which is basically 107 combat maxed pure with 25 def. I Work Monday-Friday and i'm usually off work by 5:00 est so i can make events pretty much anytime after that. I'm pretty active unless i got irl stuff going on. I'm a pretty friendly guy and i'm always down for some action. I love the f2p scene, not so big on the p2p but i can deal with also. I'm mostly looking for a drama free clan to join and have a good time. Hoping i get to meet you guys in the near future. 

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5 minutes ago, Scleritis said:

Welcome g


Why you not returning to VR?

I have no interest in joining Vr. Every weekend the pure scene gets ragged by a bunch of mains, including vr, rot, ez and all the others lol. I'm not willing to join a clan that will in turn come crash our fights on the weekends if that makes sense. 

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