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Which accounts do you have and do you actively play all of them?



Are you planning on making another account and if yes, what build/type?






ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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Which accounts do you have and do you actively play all of them?

I own my 126 main and a 1 def pure, but I don't really play both at the same time. for the past year I played almost exclusively on the pure and a med. 

259cef4580.png   7138159aeb.png


Are you planning on making another account and if yes, what build/type?

Not really planning it right now, but maybe if I were to make another acc it'd be a lower cb pure. I find the ironman concept very interesting but don't want to commit to it and spend even more time on the game atm






ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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main with max cape - yes

ironman - i keep membership and log in on it to use it for some things, wouldn't say i actually "play" it though

cc acc - shared cc acc thats parked at cox which i use to scout raids sometimes and do other upkeep of my cc as do the other ranks, also not an account i or anyone really "plays" though it was originally intended to be someone's obby mauler i think


been considering making an alt that would probably just have some quests done so i could use it to boost things like trouble brewing and run me shit to nightmare if i ever decide to grind it, but i imagine i would eventually do a lot more questing and training on it, that being said i've been "considering" it for months and still haven't even created the account so lol








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I have 2 126s now. One of my friends uses one of them then I have my epa account. Additionally, I have a hcim which I created in PD while waiting to log in for skull tricks/maces that I haven’t touched in 3 years and has the agility pet at like 20 agility, so that’s pretty neat. 







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Which accounts do you have and do you actively play all of them?
Just the one I've had since playing this game many many years ago. Still play it to this day.
Pretty sure I had a couple of other accounts that I dabbled with long ago, but they weren't anything special.



Are you planning on making another account and if yes, what build/type?
Nope. One and done.








PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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2 minutes ago, Vanzant said:

Lol I'm on my 5th account 4 bans for rwt xd

nice lemme know if u wanna buy gp/services on ur current one

  • bank 1






ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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Which accounts do you have and do you actively play all of them?

Main (2.1something total) - 75 def/atk alt (normally use for nightmare or play on when I'm bored enough) - F2P UIM (closing in on 900 total)

I don't play RS actively anymore apart from the odd hour or two I play on my F2P UIM


Are you planning on making another account and if yes, what build/type?

I want to attempt playing a P2P UIM when I find some more time and motivation, it's such a fun game mode


Tempest Old School

~ Dear You ~





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