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4 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

Does anyone have any career-related questions? I very much like talking about 3D graphics programming.

You mentioned your AAS. Did you ever actually work in the games industry/game development? Work on any games we may know? If yeah, how was it?


Working on flight simulators what protocols/steps are there to ensure it's as accurate as possible? Assuming that's rather important.


Do you ever test out the simulations yourself as if you were the pilot? Do you feel being on the developmental side of such simulations makes you treat them differently than an actual pilot in training may? 








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1 hour ago, Jebrim said:

The Resurrection was an actual historical event.



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ROT MotM April 2011

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5 hours ago, Venenatis said:
  1. Thoughts on the Israeli conflict going on right now?
  2. How do you think Trump would handle it
  3. Desantis 24 or Trump 24?

I fully support Israel.

Trump would fully support Israel.

DeSantis '24. Trump is not really a conservative.

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5 hours ago, true said:

what does the phrase "lickin up the gravy" mean to you

I've never heard this phrase before, so it means nothing to me.

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4 hours ago, Blogs said:

Do you like Donald Trump? Do you think he is a Christian?


Thoughts on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan? Particularly regarding moral obligations and the potential resurgence of al Qa'ida.


Thoughts on Israel-Palestine escalation?


Thoughts on ISIL, both during the Caliphate and post-Caliphate? Would you agree with their assertion that they were justified given that they were following what their holy book told them to do?


What do you think the US/NATO's foreign policy priorities should be in the next 5-10 years? How should we go about achieving those objectives?


Thoughts on Matt Gaetz and the charge against him of underage sex and conspiracy?


Thoughts on the January 6 insurrection? Do you think this was a good thing for America? Do you believe it was 'Antifa'? If so, do you have any evidence?


Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? If so, do you have any evidence? If so, can you please share it?


Thoughts on the MyPillow guy?


Thoughts on QAnon? I saw you mention your thoughts on Edward Snowden ("Snowden should not be pardoned. He should face trial for his crimes") - if Q is real (he is not), should he also face trial for his crimes?


Have you ever read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, or the Declaration of Independence?


Are you on the no fly list? Do you think you should be added?


I ask this question and those above as a (relatively socially liberal) conservative - do you think the American right actually represents conservative values anymore?

I have mixed feelings about Trump. Is he a Christian? I don't think so, but I can't know for sure. I think he has at least tried to be more of one in recent years than he has in the past.


Mixed feelings on this as well. I really don't care that much about foreign policy. My focus is on domestic policy within Texas.


Islam is a problem, so you'll never see me siding with them.


I do not support continued membership in NATO. Europe leeches off us. They are ungrateful brats that we saved from both the Nazis and the Communists. We never should've gotten involved in their wars. We should've just let Germany and Russia kill each other and stayed out of it.


I really don't care about scandals. I focus on policy. Scandals are just a propaganda tool to try to seize power for your own side. I don't fall for such games.


All of these questions are too focused on national issues, which I really don't care much about. Regarding the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence, I am a constitutional conservative. A big part of that is a belief in state sovereignty and self-government. States govern themselves. Too many have been taught bad civics where they think the federal government is where all the important decisions are made. This is wrong. Power resides the most with the state legislatures. Every major war in North America has been about trying to defend that right to self-government.


No, I am not on a no-fly list. In fact, I hold a security clearance.


Judging by the questions you've provided, I do not at all believe you are a conservative. In fact, there is no such thing a s a socially liberal conservative. That's contradictory language. The Right in America is divided into different factions. One of those factions does actually embrace traditional American values. Those are the true conservatives. Sadly way too many people have hijacked the conservative label to mean something very different. If you're not actually advocating for the principles that were popular in early American history, you are not a conservative as far as I am concerned. To note, this would actually exclude almost everyone in the federal government. As far as elected officials go, you'll only find them within the state governments. They are people you yourself have likely never heard of. I know quite a few in Texas that are on our side.

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