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Have u ever been scammed?


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Couple of times actually. Fell for the old someone buying an obscure item for 1m and someone across the map selling it for 100k. Shit was junk. Also got lured into the wild to see some big lava monster after I'd be playing for like 8 days or something.

Edited by Wee Man





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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Only some small stuff worth <1M like unid'd herbs etc., but I did once lend bcp and tassets to a Fools officer so he could rebuild after staking. Goes without saying since I'm writing it here, but he staked them too and I never saw them again. Other similar trust problems with the clan led to him being the only high official I know of to get kicked.

Edited by S3lvah



Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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Them sneaky herbs unids



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On 7/24/2021 at 5:56 AM, Victor said:

Something tells me that you are going to achieve greatness in here.


don't ask me why... I just feel like if you stay active and present you will be someone to look for in a near future


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Yeah many times LOL


I ended up quitting rs for like 9 years after I got red portal scammed by a “friend.” I thought I was out smarting him so I brought all my expensive stuff into the portal just to make him think I didn’t realize he was trying to scam me...

I thought I was big brain reverse scamming him but CLEARLY I was not... 


I stepped on square past the line in red portal to excite him and was gonna step back over after a second but he did some sort of magic spell that didn’t let me move and I lost all my items and rage quit 







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On 7/26/2021 at 7:26 AM, Carolina said:

Yeah many times LOL


I ended up quitting rs for like 9 years after I got red portal scammed by a “friend.” I thought I was out smarting him so I brought all my expensive stuff into the portal just to make him think I didn’t realize he was trying to scam me...

I thought I was big brain reverse scamming him but CLEARLY I was not... 


I stepped on square past the line in red portal to excite him and was gonna step back over after a second but he did some sort of magic spell that didn’t let me move and I lost all my items and rage quit 

nooo caro =( 


Big part of the clan have been scammed =/

Edited by Nanne30



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8 hours ago, Nanne30 said:

Big part of the clan have been scammed =/

I'll say what I was told by m8s after getting scammed (small as it was):

"That's OK, shit happens. Now you've learned the hard lesson most do, and you'll be wiser next time."
Treat it as self-improvement. Ultimately, life lessons are worth more than gp

Edited by S3lvah
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Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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Duel arena wasn't paying attention and they turned on shields and wore DFS for stake, still won though.


Few years ago someone was running elaborate lure, so I went along to see what would happen. It was Entrana lure where the obvious scam is they ask you to drop items and go in the dungeon (and you cannot return -- they lead you to believe this by having an alt account in on the scam warn you). So they make you drop items, trade for 2m, etc. then say in next wave you will drop again and you climb down and they will give much bigger cash 20m or so (the point is your are not supposed to go down). However, the actual scam is in the first trade they give you seemingly junk item with some petty cash (~2M), and upon hitting accept you are kicked off the island, and they pick up your dropped items (which exceed 2M they paid for). The trick was they used Lunar spell book to get a hunter kit (and some items there classified as a weapon in Entrana), so when they trade you the initial money they sneak the banned items in as well. The person trading you is standing on the only safe square and anywhere not there it kicks you out pretty much. I did fall for it since I wanted to see what would happen or what their play was, but I had a friend logged in another world same location who logged in and managed to loot most of the stuff back (was like a 10M risk anyways).





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2 hours ago, The End said:

Duel arena wasn't paying attention and they turned on shields and wore DFS for stake, still won though.


Few years ago someone was running elaborate lure, so I went along to see what would happen. It was Entrana lure where the obvious scam is they ask you to drop items and go in the dungeon (and you cannot return -- they lead you to believe this by having an alt account in on the scam warn you). So they make you drop items, trade for 2m, etc. then say in next wave you will drop again and you climb down and they will give much bigger cash 20m or so (the point is your are not supposed to go down). However, the actual scam is in the first trade they give you seemingly junk item with some petty cash (~2M), and upon hitting accept you are kicked off the island, and they pick up your dropped items (which exceed 2M they paid for). The trick was they used Lunar spell book to get a hunter kit (and some items there classified as a weapon in Entrana), so when they trade you the initial money they sneak the banned items in as well. The person trading you is standing on the only safe square and anywhere not there it kicks you out pretty much. I did fall for it since I wanted to see what would happen or what their play was, but I had a friend logged in another world same location who logged in and managed to loot most of the stuff back (was like a 10M risk anyways).


damm never heard of this scam lol



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A very long time ago, the trade screens showed cash as a numeric value without any commas.  For example, 2M would show up as 2000000.  There was also no warning of any kind in the trade box when somebody changed their offer.  The person put up 2M and changed their offer to 200K after I counted the zeros and I didn't notice.  It was a lot of money to lose at the time.  I still remember it happened on Christmas Day and I also remember the name of the scammer haha.

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1 hour ago, Brian said:

The GOAT scam




Not sure many people here will even notice whats going on

Wasn't anywhere near rich enough pre-2004 to actually experience this, but I remember learning about...

(to anyone reading: don't click on spoiler if you wanna figure it out yourself)


this item-count visual trick with the needles in the 2nd slot

Edited by S3lvah



Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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