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I am True 2k8 - Ask me almost anything

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12 hours ago, True 2k8 said:

I would have loved if you active during my era my man. 2-3 years is a long time ahead, I try not to think that far in advance for Tempest.


Yeah and they're all women.


edit: and Australian 


😄 ....


What happened to Chronicflame?

21 hours ago, True 2k8 said:

Hi @Nanne30




@True 2k8 i actually remember crashing that fight, i was at the moment warlord in lethal blades and was allowed to crash with ni since i was recruited from ni to LB by dest.  So i gathered few troops joined with my buddies in ni to ruin KTS fights lol




Edited by Nanne30
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8 hours ago, Adam_ said:

How long did CR and UBH go on after you departed ? How did they do ?


When you were first joining DF did you ever foresee yourself as leadership ? How long did you think you'd be there ?


How terrible was the eoc pre osrs clanning era ?



UBH.... like 5 months. They had some resurgence under @Rodm1107 during the summer but they seemingly never made up the difference in members they lost.


CR... 2 years. They had a few surges, but mostly fought in the PH/Dfall/Posion bracket I believe. I actually didn't pay that much attention.


I actually didn't hate it as much as most did, mostly because DF really embraced it more than most. It was about a month after I took Leader so there was that fresh air of change in the air that we kinda rode through it. Our community was very tight (probably the closest I've ever see a community). EOC was basically like an atom bomb onto the clan world though, it was insane how little clans made it through the 3-4 months and how many people moved on.


There was a huge benefit though. Since the stakes were clearly lower, everyone who was into the hacking/ddosing/doxing and even crashing all quit or ceased that behavior. It was a nice breather.


8 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What % of the clan world needs an ass kicking ?


Is it true you were in the running for most emotional?



I'm always going to be


7 hours ago, Joni said:

Thoughts on @Adam_?


Will always be a bit of an enigma, no matter how well I get to know hi,


7 hours ago, Howl said:

Over the years, I imagine you've had conversations with people from the Jagex side on the state of the clan world. What have those conversations been like?


How did you end up getting MMK on here for an AMA? Have you talked to him much since?


Do you ever envision any JMods having in-depth interactions with the clan world again?

Yeah of course, 100% of those group conversations with other leaders and a Jmod were a complete waste of time. I have no idea why guys like ReaperOfRS or w/e was obsessed with trying to set them up unless he was trying to just feel important. I actually remember one that included Mod Reach and Bullerik in attendance in which Erik kept randomly dropping N-bombs and I was seriously wondering how long until the guy just left.  Any productive conversation I had was with just MMK via email or maybe the one time we had a conversation between MMK, Brian and I in MMK's CC.


We've talked a few times, I think I checked in around the holidays and to get into contact with his wife to do her AMA. We've always had contact over Twitter since the DF days.


I severely doubt it, I'm sure they realize it was a complete waste of time since they were usually getting overwhelmed by useless clans and their useless leaders that had such little impact on the ecosystem. Not to mention the PVP Tournament Discord in 2018 was a complete disaster. 

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7 hours ago, Scumpr said:

If you had to travel to a new place, Where would it be and why?


How many personalities do you truly have?


What is your most embarrassing high school moment? 

I want to go the Europe, never been.


True 2k8 on the clock, True 2k8 off the clock, Truefasa, David


I don't really have one that comes to mind atm


Do you have comms or any sort of relationship with any current jmods? What about past jmods other than MMK?


What do you think of Abyss? He seems like one of a pretty select few who came from the clanning community (granted a lot of his history was in single), having once been a pretty toxic element in it at that, but he seems to have turned things around pretty well, kicked a lot of shitty habits/toxicity and is really popular. He seems like a pretty uncommon success story for when someone in the PvP/clanning community decides to quit the bullshit. 


Were you at all surprised when MMK left Jagex?


Who would you say was DF's greatest rival pre eoc? OSRS era?


Was there any point in your leadership where you legitimately contemplated closing things down?


Thoughts on fishing1125? 


Obviously DF and DI were pretty big rivals at one point but you and Brian get along pretty well now. Do you think there was ever realistically a time you could've joined Di and done reasonably well there? 









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