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I am True 2k8 - Ask me almost anything

True 2k8

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Thoughts on Brutality? Jaja? 


Think you'll still be playing RS @ 40 if it's still around?


Are the BlacKnights the best clan to ever exist?


Think I could be wrong but weren't DF friends with rot at some point many years ago? What happened?


Obviously new people coming into the clan world is a good thing, but do you think more pure clanners coming up to main clans is a good thing? Seems they (some of them anyways) bring certain undesirable behaviors with them, not that the main clanning community didn't already have enough of that


When will Tempest have 100% 126s on ml? Did you think you'd ever see Milad at 126?


What do / did you think of Fools?


Thoughts on (OSRS) TR?


Have you ever "been in" clans on alts over the years?








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