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removal of duel arena


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How will this impact Runescape and its economy? 

Do you think  this  will bring more people to wildy?

How will this affect the clan world?


Will players find a new way to stake? 


Do you spend time in the sand casino often?



Let me know what you think =]

Edited by Nanne30
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7 minutes ago, Nanne30 said:

How will this impact Runescape and its economy? 

Do you think  this  will bring more people to wildy?

How will this affect the clan world?


Will players find a new way to stake? 


Do you spend time in the sand casino often?



Let me know what you think =]

If they add the ge tax probably not much but hard to say if less ppl will be buying gp and I imagine that will be the case




Ppl who stake for money wont have it meanwhile ppl like @Carolinawont lose everything there lol 


Probably try to or just use other gambling, depends on what they replace it with too


No lol

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How will this impact Runescape and its economy? One good gold sink removed

Do you think this  will bring more people to wildy? No, people purely used duel arena as a way of gambling

How will this affect the clan world? Less people getting cleaned I guess?


Will players find a new way to stake? There are loads of ways; flowers, dicing, toy horse etc..


Do you spend time in the sand casino often? No I don't gamble


Tempest Old School

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2 hours ago, Brian said:

'Trust' CCs will become a thing with streamers being the trusted middle men holding the money. This will cut down on scamming big time. Price of gold will go up I imagine, but not immediately.













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I doubt it will affect the game much.
I'm not entirely familiar with the staking community but I can't imagine it being a huge population of the players.
Other forms of gambling already exist and people will definitely invent new methods of gambling in the game.


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3 hours ago, Nanne30 said:

How will this impact Runescape and its economy?  best thing to ever happen

Do you think  this  will bring more people to wildy? no

How will this affect the clan world? probably wont/make people leave


Will players find a new way to stake? player run games of chance have spiked again


Do you spend time in the sand casino often? never



Let me know what you think =]





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3 hours ago, Nanne30 said:

How will this impact Runescape and its economy? 

Do you think  this  will bring more people to wildy?

How will this affect the clan world?


Will players find a new way to stake? 


Do you spend time in the sand casino often?



Let me know what you think =]

idk will change but idk/c


might bring a few more people into risk fighting potentially, not in ways we'd want it though


it wont 


degens will try, casuals wont


nah dumb place to go




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There'll probably be less gambling overall, but ppl who really wanna do it will still find a way & it'll probably be a lot more hazardous. All you can say for certain is if this was gonna happen eventually then it's kinda 15 years too late lol




Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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How will this impact Runescape and its economy? 

Inflation is gonna go up a bit since the arena taxes take out a bils worth of gp per day.

Do you think this will bring more people to wildy?

In single yeah. I can see risk fights becoming more popular despite the fact that there is some skill to them.

How will this affect the clan world?

Many clans are now going to have to invest resources into providing therapy sessions for their members suffering from withdrawl.

Will players find a new way to stake? 

Risk fights without gear. Box it out in the wildy after you do a gear and inventory check. There'll probably be a lot of scammers. 

Do you spend time in the sand casino often?

Not since rs2 when I used to scam people by turning certain options on(shields, magic, summoning).










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People will dance around loopholes in the backalleys of Varrock West, until Jagex is "forced" to re-instate trade limits, or worse, add a tax to manual trades too. 

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