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I think generally what people fail to grasp about RS1 is just how hard it was.


Yes we were all young and I'm sure we didn't play "efficiently" like everyone does now, but it was an absolutely brutal grind.


Take melees for example, a good xp rate was 20k xp per hour. That means 98 to 99 would take 60 hours. You can probably get 1 to 99 in 60 hours now?


There was also no real way of making money other than training your own skills and trading with other players. There was no PvM until near the end (KBD). If you were super lucky you might get  rune large drop off greater demons. One of the ways I made money for p hats was killing blue dragons for d bones and noting them up. I'd sell 1k of them for 3mil, which was huge money at the time.


6 hours ago, NewAccount said:

Good times, where pures didn't exists. Nice lvl 15 def, respect. 

As mentioned by Vanzant there was pures, but the concept of being a pure was a lot different then. Being a pure meant you had 1 magic. Def didn't necessarily have to be 1 (e.g you had rune pures with 40 def). PKing for the most part (at least until the introduction of mage bank for P2P) was melee based.


It's crazy to think there's people playing now of a decent age (i.e they aren't 12 year olds) that weren't even born when some of us out there setting the foundations for clanning.


This is my oldest stat pic I could find from March 2003:



100 Combat (not sure when):



D Med PK:


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1 hour ago, Brian said:

I think generally what people fail to grasp about RS1 is just how hard it was.


Yes we were all young and I'm sure we didn't play "efficiently" like everyone does now, but it was an absolutely brutal grind.


Take melees for example, a good xp rate was 20k xp per hour. That means 98 to 99 would take 60 hours. You can probably get 1 to 99 in 60 hours now?


There was also no real way of making money other than training your own skills and trading with other players. There was no PvM until near the end (KBD). If you were super lucky you might get  rune large drop off greater demons. One of the ways I made money for p hats was killing blue dragons for d bones and noting them up. I'd sell 1k of them for 3mil, which was huge money at the time.

Yeah, the game has gotten easier over time. OSRS training is way harder than in RS3 today, but clearly easier than in 2007. And RS1/RSC is brutal. I made my full rune set as a lvl ~50 by selling salmon and trout to rich PKers north of Varrock, which in retrospect was comparatively easy money. The best NPC moneymaker I could think of was killing Monks of Zamorak for the guaranteed steel mace drops.


2001 was of course even tougher with less content. I had a funny moment thinking I'd head to wildy to pick up some steel equipment for some quick starting gp, only to run into the ocean. Ended up making the bulk of money picking bronze chains in the Dwarven Mines on my sword & shield quest alt, and selling them to Wayne for 39–33 gp each. (Was too weak to kill zammy monks.) Given how little traffic RSC sees at this point, I obviously missed out on the community/trading aspect of the experience.


Interestingly enough, in May 2001, addy plate seemed to be the "halo product" of the game, being purchasable from the Champs' guild for 40040 gp. Rune armor didn't come out until Sep 2001, and addy plate was finally discounted to "only" 16k in Dec. Imagine my sticker shock when I thought it already felt overpriced at that much.




One more thing I forgot to mention in the OP: It's actually surprising how much stuff added this early into the game survives until today. In a game launched on Jan 2001, the layout of the original "F2P" area just 4 months later has survived largely unchanged for 21 years now.



Edited by S3lvah



Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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Wow I had no idea this was done. A couple years before I first logged

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Legendz | The Titans | Tempest

[Templar Jan & Feb 2023]










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11 hours ago, Brian said:

I think generally what people fail to grasp about RS1 is just how hard it was.


Yes we were all young and I'm sure we didn't play "efficiently" like everyone does now, but it was an absolutely brutal grind.


Take melees for example, a good xp rate was 20k xp per hour. That means 98 to 99 would take 60 hours. You can probably get 1 to 99 in 60 hours now?


There was also no real way of making money other than training your own skills and trading with other players. There was no PvM until near the end (KBD). If you were super lucky you might get  rune large drop off greater demons. One of the ways I made money for p hats was killing blue dragons for d bones and noting them up. I'd sell 1k of them for 3mil, which was huge money at the time.


As mentioned by Vanzant there was pures, but the concept of being a pure was a lot different then. Being a pure meant you had 1 magic. Def didn't necessarily have to be 1 (e.g you had rune pures with 40 def). PKing for the most part (at least until the introduction of mage bank for P2P) was melee based.


It's crazy to think there's people playing now of a decent age (i.e they aren't 12 year olds) that weren't even born when some of us out there setting the foundations for clanning.


This is my oldest stat pic I could find from March 2003:



100 Combat (not sure when):



D Med PK:


The grind was real back then. I used to mine coal and put it into certs for money or fish lobster.


Back then on vanzant I was 92 combat with 82 magic in 2002. Using alchemy to train magic was hell. 


My magic was top 82 I believe and my 71 woodcutting was top 1000 lol

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Just now, Vanzant said:

The grind was real back then. I used to mine coal and put it into certs for money or fish lobster.


Back then on vanzant I was 92 combat with 82 magic in 2002. Using alchemy to train magic was hell. 


My magic was top 82 I believe and my 71 woodcutting was top 100 lol


Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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