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Old Geezer Stormin Through


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OlRunescape Name (Don't post if login name)

Preferred Name 


Current Clan

None, I basically retired lmao

Previous Clan History


The clan


Rot at some point for like a month as an intro :1iq:




Who do you know in Tempest?


Idk, anyone who was in any of the clans mentioned above from like 2007-2016 or something


How did you find/hear about Tempest?


True 2k8 PM'd me on Discord back when he made the clan

Are you interested in joining?


Maybe? I haven't played 07 seriously in about 3 or 4 years. I've played an RS3 iron for almost 5 years now. Kinda got bored of the game but I'd like to get back into fun pking/community. Only issue is I'm West Coast USA now when I used to be EST, so idk how I'd be able to join events


I also need someone to tell me how to make gp because I've got about 200m in total bank value lmao

Brief Introduction


The names Matrix, and I've spent way too much time playing this game since 2006. I started clanning in 2007 or 2008 and kept with that until Runescape died and OSRS was made. Spent most of my time in TT during that time. I joined DF when I joined OSRS about a year or two after it was released and stuck around for 3 or 4 years I think before quitting almost entirely. I was in AF for about a year or something at the same time as DF until that wasn't allowed anymore.


I'm a Canadian who lives in California for some reason now


Not really sure that my plans are, but I'd like to get back into it in some way. Some people think I'm a spaz, but a lot has changed in 6+ years

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