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Everything posted by Kody

  1. LMFAOOOOOOOOOO absolutely free wilderness
  2. Kody

    This or That

    Eggs Bananas or Strawberries
  3. Been really enjoying Old School RuneScape lately..
  4. Kody


    gzzzz welcome to the unit
  5. Kody

    2,2k on iron

    LETS GOOOOOO welcome to the unit
  6. Early AG MB vids and anything from Unlimited, both my favorites
  7. I'd like to thank the shooting star community for high quality political discourse, q p w's, and a contribution to my ever fastening brain rot from playing this game too much.
  8. actually decent, runelite will die by 2026
  9. Fear Figment vids were always great
  10. I'm in a few BH team vids for sure... am in a Cali Ice BH vid at some point too lol
  11. Link em - some personal favorites of mine below
  12. Thought the first one was a little boring, this looks fun though
  13. Kody

    25 more

    go on lad
  14. He was a goat tbh heard he kinda went off the rails to some degree but don't know details lol
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