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Everything posted by Kody

  1. unreal lol gz deserved brother
  2. Early December I hope
  3. Kody


    gzzzz lad
  4. Kody


    Atta boy, gz
  5. Insane rng, grats yall
  6. Astroturfing queen Kamala Harris
  7. Game still seems to be living, I think if OSRS didn't release the game would still have many more players and people would've just coped and gotten familiar with the EOC system. Especially with the later changes, you can play the game without the EOC form of combat, though at an XP/HR sacrifice. I think the MTX system hurt that game more than EOC - so much so that they are now polling players on the potential removal of it in a last ditch effort to revive the playerbase.
  8. People and politicians will manipulate the narrative to paint people who get abortions as some murderous demons killing newborn children, which is simply a load of shit. Incentivize the beauty of childbirth by offering programs that help those who need it (literally offer EXTENDED length maternity leave for jobs, the US statistics regarding this compared to almost every other first world country is pathetic) and provide access to abortions (up to a certain amount of weeks) for those who are not fit to carry a child to birth or provide a healthy life.
  9. Kody

    DKS Pet

    GOAT pet tbh gz
  10. Kody

    91 smither

    go on robin
  11. crazy how fast youve been blowing through maxing, gz
  12. Busy schedule makes it feel like it's flying by
  13. Autopilot to 99 Gzzzzz
  14. Kody


    Huge, gz
  15. Kody

    bingo bongo

    Gzzzz, nice one. Looks like a fun comp
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