I would've been skinnier and healthier in my early teens had I never got hooked, but other than that it was a pretty amazing experience that shaped who I am today and I am pretty comfortable with my current self. No major ragrets, in fact there are literally things I wish I did differently in game, clans I wish I spent more time in or less time in, and friends who I could've spent more time with while they played the game.
If MTX/P2W mechanics were removed, would you try out RS3 again?
Personally, probably not, though I have heard that the Ironman mode on RS3 is pretty fun.
1. Yes, full war seems likely after the inevitable coming retaliation
2. Yes, USA is ultra cucked for Israel and despite the current administration's efforts to tame Netanyahu's advancement of war, they are continuing to lose leverage
3. No
4. A continuation of the deaths of a lot of innocent people
5. What
6. Probably