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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Welcome to the forums bro lmao
  2. Bro I almost hit 15k steps yesterday my quads are on fire lol
  3. Still sore this morning from chasing rot all around the wildy yesterday lol
  4. That ain’t the same rot lol should honestly just close and start fresh tbh
  5. Are there any members who’ve joined tempest so far where your first impression was wrong about them and they turned out to be great members?
  6. Accurate - will update my post after I see more updated performances
  7. What are your thoughts on the addy alliance of RoT and Sv?
  8. Are there any current members or ranks of present day VNG that you would take in tempest? If so who and why?
  9. If you had to power rank the remaining clans who participate in f2p could you? Also can you add a brief sentence or 2 on why you ranked them where you did?
  10. Surprised rot even showed up without Sv 😂🤣
  11. If I remember correctly, you were in Downfall for a couple months. What were your thoughts on how we ran the clan as opposed to how you ran VNG? Did you take anything that we did in DF back to Vanguard? If you could do Vanguard all over again, do you think had you had a bigger f2p presence at the start the outcome of VNG would be different?
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