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Old School
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Everything posted by Null

  1. Glad I'm alive for moments like this
  2. appreciates the effort, I message someone first because I want to talk to them, that's making an effort. I ask questions about their day and how things are with them, that's making an effort. I talk about new ideas and topics, that's making an effort. What's not making an effort are simplistic, rude replies. Responses such as "Yeah", "Ok", "Cool", and "Fair enough" are not demonstrating any effort to hold the conversation. How can someone have the sheer audacity to reply to a text message, that's I've made the effort to write, with just one word?! If someone is finding a topic boring or senseless, then it's up to them to change the topic to whatever they like; it genuinely isn't too difficult to conduct. Maybe for once, you'd be able to ask me questions on how my life is, because the way it sounds, I could step in cow shit and have a more interesting day than you. The natural aim of a conversation is a 50/50 split of effort between both parties, which allows the conversation to develop and alter consistently. That's all I want when I'm talking to someone. I find that I'm the one making the decisions, asking the questions, and putting in the effort just to keep it alive. It's never the other way around, and I don't think there are many people willing to put half the effort into talking to me, than I do talking to them. It's supposed to be a generic human conversation, not an job interview with a second hand child's soundboard.
  3. Null

    This or That

    apple and blackcurrant Sprite or 7-Up
  4. Has completely unravelled since maxing on rs
  5. cares about quality discussion
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