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5 owes Virgo a rune set

About Vio

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  1. I remember that ABC video, or rather I remember Thuger insisting I use some crappy rap music, which ended up getting muted anyway. How do you feel about your clan losing to PE, while my clan crushed them into the dust #Mora
  2. rank WG pls thanks
  3. How does it feel to have been flamed to death on zybez by DG Keanu #DescendantGuardians #KingsOfF2P
  4. Where was my invite to loot Gf current true 2k8 clan and former true 2k8 clan
  5. How is the mosaic elephant doing?
  6. Runescape Name Vio RS (Currently 61mGate for unrelated reasons but ima change it back) Preferred Name Vio or Kez Discord ID Vio#2889 Current Clan Deathrow Previous Clan History Subsequently joined CT in 2019 for a few months, rejoined WG, then DR a few months ago. Are you interested in joining? Maybe later Brief Introduction Hello I am Vio and I have a huge fluffy cat
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