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Posts posted by Stewie

  1. 8 hours ago, Da Bazz said:

    I think some parts (teeth, nails) don't really burn all that well. It's how bodies are 'identified' even after being engulfed by a pyroclastic flow. The difficulty of burning teeth/nails an issue crematoria have which is why they need to 'clean' the furnace after usage and dispose of teeth and nails in a different way. The fire you'd need to burn teeth is 2000F+ or 1093C+. That's insanely hot and you'd have to keep it at that high temperature for quite a while which is very difficult. You need a huge amount of hard wood (oak, walnut) to keep it at maximum temperature. So while burning might sound logical you'd need a lot of planning / prepping if you want to dispose of a body completely.


    I kind of like @Carolina's plan it sounds like she has first hand experience and experience > theories. At the very least nobody fill find out about the body until you either move and the new owners decide to get rid of the house and start fresh or after you are dead.


    Like I said ashes should be contained and checked for items requiring additional measures for disposal, goes without saying really would be wreckless to leave that sort of evidence.

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  2. Just now, Melo C said:

    Burning a body though stinks unless you know a guy in the cremating business. The smell of burnt flesh/hair is gross as fuck. Ive heard of people going through the effort of pulling out nails, teeth, chopping up limbs and scattering them about everywhere.  

    Doesn't smell if there's no one around to smell it though

  3. If we all had a plastic suit, no problems, however, not as easy as that.


    Burning the body is the only real reliable and quick way to get rid of it plus it destoroys any speckle of DNA evidence that may be on it from yourself or any other accomplice. If using a vehicle you need to somehow get the tyres changed after the event as they are able to match tyre tread and size etc. if you happen to dispose of the corpse in an area where impressions can be left, also making sure theres no financial transaction trail from changing the tyres too is needed. Ashes should be collected as best as possible and sieved for not regradable items, which should be dealt with depending on the material they are made from. Basically to stop me rambling here or looking like a fucking lunatic you have to understand tracking and covering your own.


    I've looked into a few serial killers who have used acids etc. but there are things that can be left with the residue, there was a British serial killer from back in the day, 1960s i think, who used acid and got caught quite easily and he was flushing things down direectly into a sewar, but I'd always go down a burning route because I'm pretty sure it's much quicker than waiting for acid to dissolve bone and flesh.


    Big tip btw, never have your mobile phone on you when disposing of a body either, as they can pin point you directly to that location using triangulation if your phone is active and connecting to a provider.


    EDIT: I've seen a lot of serial killer documentaries, I'm aware of how much this makes me look like a fruit loop

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