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Posts posted by Stewie

  1. 47 minutes ago, Gvcc said:

    Yeah man Stone messaged me a few months ago - he saw my name on true's friendlist or something months ago and added me. Had no clue any of you guys played.


    It's been fucking looong mate, we had a catch-up on Steam like a year or 2 back and you went MIA after that. Just up to the usual nowadays, working and what not, bit of gaming here and there. Hope all is well with you my man.

    Can confirm this is false. 


    Hello everyone else ?

    Aye a remember man, am never on Steam anymore though don't play any Steam games just RS nowadays, will catch you in the True's CC if you're idling there bud

  2. 1 hour ago, Ssj said:

    Yeh it was exactly that. A scottish guy in a kilt is unstoppable.

    But in all honesty I think stewie just installed cloudflare or some shit for us and it worked LMFAO can't remember the specifics but I was impressed af.

    Honestly I can't remember what I did, Cloudflare probable tbh, but I had a load balanced server that I hosted LND Teamspeak and TS on and a few other clans I'm sure, so might've moved it there? Not sure if you kept Envy with the original hosting provider?

  3. I do a lot of research on both the first and second World War, bit of a hobby of mines. I've visted a few of the battlefields in France and Belgium (Normandy (all beaches; Gold, Sword, Utah, Juno, Omaha), Ypres (Passchendaele), The Somme and am planning on visiting more of these places, such as Arras, Mons, Bastogne, Diepe etc. etc. there's so many lol, once COVID subsides.



    I'd say I'm probably actively more interesated in WW1, because after the Second Boer War the change in technology and types of warfare really developed and became in a way a bit more brutal, also the politics at the time leading up to WW1 are pretty interesting too, regarding the different Empires etc. Also how the lead up to WW2 was influenced by the conditions of the Treaty of Versaille etc.


    I could literally sit here for ages typing shit haha so I'll stop here.



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  4. Had a spy  "account" in my CWA Warring team LND from another smaller team who I can't remember the name of, but the guys name was EvertonFc or something similar and  he had another guy using the account I think called Generaldesor, I knew of the spy, someone who knew them told me, but I never cared, it was a warring team for christ sake, like what damage can you actually do lol. No DDOSing went on, no Doxing, they were never caught spamming the portal in CWRI's for opposition kills and never caught on purpose dying early in matched opts fights, they literally gave us opts and likely obtained absolutely 0 useful information for best part of 6 months+ because all internal affairs were ran by me and the other leader who was an IRL friend

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  5. 48 minutes ago, Vannaka said:


    12 years of data of ML's there, so the majority is there, just pick your date/time, search around a bit with the filters.

    I dig a bit into this category of Rs clan world nostalgia etc once a while, and come back with sapphires sometimes.  :hash: But I only just figured out this sight in August and that was like mining a full invy of diamonds, such a goldmine there.



    Lol yea the manifesto needs to go into a spoiler yo, ffs :hash:

    My fucking god what a find

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