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Everything posted by Atvdinner

  1. Atvdinner

    94 FM

    Final stretch for sure.
  2. Hate fishing. Got the pet at like 70 something. Idk how people do it to 99. Huge gz!
  3. You pound that anvil! Gz man.
  4. I never stopped working at the office. Customer facing the whole time. 98% of my job could be done from home. Not sure why I couldn't wfh. I would be waaaay less productive working from though. I need that separation.
  5. Atvdinner

    92 FM

    Whoaaah you're half way there!
  6. Welcome back. There's refreshments in the back. Gratz!
  7. Idc who you are. That's a stacked log.
  8. Nice! I'm 102 dry with no purp. I'm jelly.
  9. Atvdinner

    90 FM

    Man I think I'd spend 800m before wt. I HATE wt. The fact that people call it afk bugs me even more. Huge gz though!
  10. The bang heard around the world.... Of runescape.
  11. Hard to beat the refs, t-swift and the Chiefs. That being said I hope the 49'ers beat the breaks off the Chiefs. CMC better run all over that defense.
  12. Tempest keeping the wild safe once more. Glad to see it!
  13. Let's gooooo Max by the end of the year? I dig it!
  14. Nice! I couldn't get it on leagues even with the boosted rates. Don't feel bad. Congratulations though! 🙂
  15. I farmed that boss so much on release and got nothing but the axe head. Gz!
  16. Atvdinner

    Pick one

    Beef because steak and burgers! Duh.
  17. Atvdinner


    Do you remember when there was an update that turned a specific letter or symbol into a weapon that would crash your game if you saw it? You could send it in public chat or private and as long as you turned it off right after you sent it you were safe? I recall using it in bounty hunter a few times. Got a few rune sets that way. I almost felt bad, then it happened to me.
  18. Atvdinner

    im back

    Awful skill. Huge achievement. One more to never touch the skill again!
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