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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. Trevor

    For True 2k8

    Can I get a refund for ever joining BK? I think that's the real question
  2. Man I slept like this for years, do not recommend. Comfy as fuck but it caused my right hip to move up and out of adjustment. 8 chiro adjustments later and they're just now starting to get the muscle around the hip broken down. Hurts like a bitch ? Sleep flat on my back, boxers if it's hot / + shorts if it's relatively chilly out, usually have a couple blunts before bed. Dogs sleep on my right side, lady on the left. Kids will come sleep on top of me if they get scared. Not a fan of blankets, just use a sheet. Lady and I exchange backrubs every night so falling asleep is usually a breeze
  3. Ngl that's how I tap when dropping too
  4. You know, you'd think we would of learnt the first time we were in a clan many moons ago but nope, our dumbasses have done it about another 3-4 times and still haven't caught on to any lessons there ?
  5. Trevor

    Top Clans

    Honestly didn't even know there is a top list. Not many clans left, assumed they switch power like they do undies.
  6. Mitchhhhhhhhhhhhh This guy is legit a 10/10 lad. Really hope you join.
  7. So that's why our requirements are 115+
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