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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace


    Vennies weren't a thing back then. Besides that, some of the prominent rot guys that would return for hours on end are ex-tt.
  2. It's the only "spicy" fried chicken chain though
  3. Ace

    Have you ever?

    Mostly when I was in grade school. Private school kids in elementary fought every day on the way home and no one backed off until someone wasn't moving on the ground for a bit which meant you ran away thinking you went too far. Middle school was a bit of that, but we also had brawl in the boy's bathroom during lunch every day. High school didn't have anything, think college I had a drunk come at me but I had friends and we just kind of walked away. Only thing I've had as an adult was when someone randomly punched me at my old job, hit and run. It was never about winning when I was younger. Sometimes you'd have 3-4 people trying to beat the shit out of you, so all you wanted to do was do damage back so they didn't do the same thing the next day.
  4. Ace


    Thoughts on Cory in the House?
  5. You're Canadian, you have no taste. It's the one single decent fast food.
  6. Ace

    2024 games

    Can't think of anything. Last year was a big year with shit like bg3 and ff16
  7. Nah. Would never go to kfc when I have the benefit of going to popeyes.
  8. Ace


    I might have an answer for this. It most likely has to do with the former Mod Infinity. Prior to being a Jagex Moderator and even after becoming a Jagex Moderator he had his own fansite. Think it was called RuneZone or something. Anyways, Infinity was rather territorial, and I'd assume he was involved with that. It's very likely considering that partnered/recognized fansites had to go through him in some way if I remember correctly. Infinity did a lot of scummy shit, and we found out that some of the legal paperwork that he dredged up for other matters(not regarding fansites) was all b.s. anyways. Nothing ever came of that to my knowledge though.
  9. Ace


    I always saw you as someone separate from the pvp scene that had shaped up on RSC. RSC was your site, but I feel the people who made it their home and shaped the culture on it were beyond you at times. Would you agree or disagree? What are your thoughts on the future of forums? Much like fansites they are struggling due to competition. Fansites struggled with information being compiled into wikis, but something noticeable is that outside of RS many other games have information scattered about in different Discord servers. What are your thoughts on this?
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