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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Dude's grind game never really stopped
  2. Not really. I like some more than I like others, but I wouldn't say you I enjoy beer truly. Other alcoholic drinks like wine or daiquiris actually taste good though.
  3. Phones and the internet have made people far worse at communicating. They've also made people far more unbearable. Privacy between yourself and your friends & family is non-existent.
  4. hoodie allen, good pick. ty shuanalex
  5. Left so I can bm people by shaking their hands with it Right
  6. Wasn't a fan of GTA 5. Base game felt too short and it relied on DLC too much. Most of that went towards online anyways.
  7. Dissolve it in a vat and drain it.
  8. Part of the problem yeah. A lot of the playerbase will fight you over introducing even QoL. Would love to have content like resting or more powerful gear in f2p, but some random casual will start screeching about how we're turning the game into eoc over it. Even then, all Jagex can really do is provide us with content. Host a Jcup again. Won't stop people from refusing to fight, trying to starve each other out of action and ragging each other.
  9. FREEDOM!!!!! OSRS as a MMO just doesn't appeal to me. I've only really stayed around this long due to the pvp community, and the various clans I've been a part of. It's not even that I hate the game considering how much I enjoy leagues or no lifing it during clan comps. It's just that there's much, much better MMOs out there. BDO would probably be my forever MMO since node wars fill in the void that pvp fights fill for me.
  10. Depends on your field, but I think for the vast majority of industries it's more efficient to switch jobs every few years in order to move up and gain improvements, rather than staying and hoping to work your way up with your current employer. There's no right answer for every situation. In certain fields I assume that sticking around and developing your talents with that specific job can grant you a strong status quo, where you would have necessary experience with the specifics of your job that no one else has and you become incredibly hard to replace. In other fields like mine you would be setting yourself back to square one. I avoided working at a firm for the first few years because I did not want to be tied down. Obviously that didn't last, but I'm basically in a position now where if I left my job or was fired then I'd be back to square one if I choose to move to another firm outside of starting my own practice, even with all of the experience I've gained.
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