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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ace


    Gratz you can play the game now
  2. Hate is too strong of a word. I think everyone in the midsized scene when I was Downfall on osrs annoyed me though. It was so uncompetitive, people were always making issues for why they couldn't/didn't want to fight.
  3. ring ding ding ding ding ding ding ding
  4. Broooo don't do him like that lmfao
  5. Wait the Runewatchers are still alive?
  6. Fighting it of course. I used to use an alternate app for android(or jailbroken iphones) called YouTube Vanced which had built in adblock + other features for youtube. For the past 6+ months the app would break every other day. Now they're trying to do the same to adblock plugins for browsers, but you just keep everything up to date. I would understand if the ad money was going back into the platform, but we all know that the vast majority of content creators on there aren't getting shit so obviously I'm going to keep fighting it.
  7. Used to be maybe once every 6 months because if I was too tired to cook in the evenings or if I had business to attend to then I just wouldn't bother. My girlfriend doesn't allow me to skip dinner anymore though so it's probably closer to 3-6 times a month I'd say.
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