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Posts posted by Howl

  1. what's the environment like? is this a cage match? are there trees around?

    what's the gender of each? is it two males? two females?

    so many unknown variables


    I'm going to say the grizzly bear wins in a close one. The average male grizzly bear is ~600 lbs while a silverback gorilla is only ~400 lbs (my numbers might be off).

  2. 1 hour ago, Krystal said:

    I hate that I sound like I have a nice voice and  can sing well but when I record myself and listen to the recording, I'm just like?? I sound so different and so terrible.  Ugh lol.  Interesting to see that there's actual research behind why there's a difference.

    A side story: one thing that made me feel less self-conscious about it (and improved my public speaking confidence) was in the voice class (singing) I took in school, we had to watch recordings of performances and then rate what we did/didn't do well. It was awkward and I hated it at first, but it definitely helped me grow in my confidence and self-assurance over time.

  3. 11 hours ago, Applerune said:

    Right? Who gives a shit about a Jagex Cup. What a waste of time

    tbf I think they have more coming down the pipeline (they say clans are a big focus in 2021, I'll believe it when I see it though...)


    I like the idea of a Clan Cup, but I think they should strive to put it on in ways that include more than just CWA

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