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Posts posted by Howl

  1. seeing lots on here about home equipment, so I thought I'd make my case for body weight workouts

    even why I would consistently go to the gym (pre-covid), I was doing 80-90% body weight workouts


    Why body weight?

    Ease of access being the simplest reason. Do a workout anywhere: your bedroom, the park, etc.

    However, from a training perspective, body weight workouts also help to achieve my own personal goals. I started boxing in college and though I don't compete anymore, I'm (usually) a regular at the gym and help coach guys getting ready to compete. Boxers need to be strong, quick, and lean, with a heavy emphasis on cardio. Body weight workouts are great for building up that lean muscle mass. Many professional boxers are famous for putting a strong emphasis on body weight workouts (such as Floyd Mayweather: https://www.balancethegrind.com.au/daily-routines/floyd-mayweather-daily-routine/)


    What kind of exercises are we talking about?

    There are the most generic/stereotypical ones (still good to do!) like pushups, situps, planks, squats, dips, etc.

    Then we can get into more dynamic exercises that start to work the full body, such as burpees (pushup at the bottom or it's not a burpee), jump squats, monkey business (shoulder press into a tuck jump), etc.

    And with any body weight workout, there's bound to be an emphasis on core (my old trainer said at least 8 minutes of core a day), with exercises like slow bikes, wipers, judo twists, flutter/scissor crunches, etc


    A typical workout:

    I get pretty creative with my workout formats, but a typical on/off interval is always a safe bet. For HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), most people say a 2:1 or 3:1 work/rest ratio. This is fine, although I find I like high ratios as I get more out of the workout. Some of my favorite intervals are 30s on/5s off and 50s on/10s off.

    A short workout might be something like:


    30s/5s x5

    Sit ups

    Jump Squats

    High Plank

    Russian Twist

    Jump Lunges




    The workout ends up being ~18 minutes with ~15-16 minutes of exercise, a pretty efficient way to train ?



    If anyone ever has any questions/wants to talk about workouts, feel free to pm me on discord (Howl#6118). I've also been writing out a new workout for every day of quarantine and I'd be happy to share ?







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  2. 14 hours ago, B4uz said:

    If you are into Fantasy and a little of Greek-Roman mythology I can recommend Percy Jackson’s saga from Rick Riordan

    Im currently reading The Trials of Apollo from the same author. 

    Percy Jackson series is one of my all time favorites!

    I read them when I was young, but for anyone who is thinking about reading them for the first time - I'd say they still hold up pretty well. My dad read them after I did and loved them.

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  3. I know basically nothing about Albion in terms of game play

    in your opinion, what are it's strengths in terms of clan/guild-based game play? how does it compare to OSRS? repeating someone else's question from above, but do you have a video of a clan war/audio of you guys calling?


    one of the things I've always admired about RS2/OSRS is how the combat system lends itself to large-scale fights and coordination, more than almost any other game I've played before

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