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Everything posted by Bishinmo

  1. Df had like 5-6 members who were constantly in shit gear. Like really shit gear. It made me rage because I knew DF was not a poor clan and everyone could afford real gear... Other than that, fighting DF was always fun as long as there was no outside interruptions. Which unfortunately was very difficult during the later stages...
  2. It just happened. Nobody planned for it. It definitely is absurd and nobody else should do it. Both clans had rough patches during the 24 hour festival as you call it. At one point DF decided to pile me on sight, I died around 45 times in 1 hour or so. Many times before I could even skull. That is how far it went lol. I took a few breaks during the fight. Had to drive to walmart because I got angry at one point and broke my mic. Cooked dinner. Went to the local bakery in the morning to get fresh bread. At the 21 hour period I was starting to pass out. Before I passed out I put the alarm clock to ring exactly at the 24 hour mark. I said that I can't let people keep returning, somebody might die IRL and I will be responsible or something. I was going to call off returning and surrender to DF. The alarm clock rang and I didn't get out of bed. Woke up like 5-6 hours later and found out we won. DF literally lost that fight because I couldn't get out of bed to tell people to call of the fight.
  3. - I'm not sure. We had some great female members so I don't want to say anything bad there. We will arrange an AMA for Brad to get to the bottom of this. Seems many people are interested in his edating career. - The main problem at the time was the growing memberlist. Like 5-6 clans closed at the time and many of them joined us since we were #1. There was a lot of edrama in the clan, A SHIT TON. I created a new FA system to fix the clan. If I didn't introduce this new FA system we would have grown to 200+ members and the clan would simply implode. There was a point when I had no clue who 20-30 members were. Like I legit had no idea they were already in the clan. Many officials and members were too emotional and didn't want to back me up in my crusade to fix the clan. They became emo and left. We were losing about 3-4 members per day. Once I introduced the new FA system and removed the leaving topic forum the clan stabilized and I became supreme leader. - I did rank Plav under "others" alongside other former leaders. He was definitely a top official towards the end. Very active and dedicated. I wouldn't have promoted him otherwise. - Don't forget that we had a lot of fun events towards the very end. The main problem was largescale competitive fights... We should have restructured earlier so there would have been no need for a last event ? - Love you too, no homo
  4. - Battleneo - Saka from Collision - I didn't close TT. I left towards the end to join Col. I could have done things a bit different with TT towards the end, but I really had to focus on things IRL. Was a tough call to make. - I really don't know what is going on in the clanworld today haha. Most of my time was spent thinking about new tactics. So that is probably where I would start. Would have to see how fights are done nowadays and perfect certain things to put us ahead.
  5. 1. We fought in the World War alongside Corr and Di. Df got mad at us for doing that... Was a very fun event for us but it created so much beef. The cluster wars that happened later were just retarded. Were nothing like the first World War. Too much out of game crap which we wanted no part of. 2. No. We fought together many times, did stuff together, helped each other out but we had our own paths. We were the last real alliance in the clanworld.
  6. If it had 4 limbs, Brad Xavier dated it. Was a bit difficult for me to keep track of his dating life. Perhaps we should invite him on the next AMA ? Kebab was just a lovable guy and a great official. Entire clan respected him. I had great plans for him, but just like Brad Xavier, he got plowed by a cougar as well.
  7. I did this 2 times with excellent results. The first time we won 12/12 rounds if I am not mistaken. Basically lost 0 fights during those 2 weeks. It just goes to show how strong our clan was when we won fights with unranked members leading/calling. Also one of the reasons we won so many of those fights is because our callers were also some of our best tanks. So them being muted and focusing only on binding and tanking turned us into a machine. Imagine D0nts, Brad, Sagameister and Hydro focusing only on tanking and nothing else... was a thing of beauty. Everyone needs a break. They came back fresh, we found out who were good potential new callers (some were eventually promoted in the future). One of my better decisions even though it seems crazy in that screenshot.
  8. I got stopped from introducing much more retarded names than that... Was mostly a fresh start to new forums or forum skins if I remember correctly.
  9. He helped us out a lot with forums. Just wasn't active enough for the clan scene later on. Always helped out when we needed him.
  10. Bro, we all got Koed at one point or another. Fucking D0nts got koed by DF in an important tournament and didn't even realize until 5 seconds later.
  11. Each clan did great at certain points. Nobody is overrated if they existed for 5+ years. Perhaps DS because they just randomly closed at their peak. Wildy was very active and there were many clans out. Could have trained new officials to take over and continue the fight.
  12. I don't know brother. Never met, so I can't confirm or deny. ?
  13. Maybe, I can't even remember at this point. Problem is that I never trusted Jagex to not fuck the game up again...
  14. No. Would have been blasphemy if I joined any other clan aside from Col. I knew it would have been easy going in Col and a lot less stress (which it was). Logged on for an hour or 2, did an event, hanged out and that was that.
  15. Very motivated. He loved TT. Brought great energy to the clan during very boring clanworld times... Sometimes he went full retard so I had to put him into place.
  16. Cuon loved TT. Great guy, great energy. Not a great tank.
  17. Excellent. Keep in mind we were Co-leaders and not actual leaders together. Went from like rank #20 to rank #1 with him. All that while staying an honorable clan and being respected by the majority of the clan world. He made excellent decisions and we could really work out most problems together.
  18. Read my response to Ragingpanda. Just didn't have the energy and time to do that. Not enough members/officials were on board.
  19. D0nts was well respected by almost every member. They knew he had things on lockdown in terms of leading and arranging fights. I didn't have to do much when he was in charge. Favorite is definitely his ability to make tough decisions during fights. Knowing when to push forward and also knowing when to call it a night. There is a reason why almost every other clan wanted him as a pk leader or said he was the best of all time. Least favorite is probably when he goes on his little scam adventures and gets regular members involved. Dropping charms, scamming zammy wines etc. Top 5 TT officials: 1. Kezzab 2. D0nts 3. Brad Xavier 4. Legendsword 5. King Stu Others: Plav, Vangsta2, Hommel, Saga, Battleneo, Mass Kill, Cuon, A 12, Nhia212 Worst TT officials: None really. They all put in a lot of work, hours and love into the clan.
  20. I respected RSD because they avoided crash wars and all that out of game bs. They had similar rules to us and they were the only clan to really be on the same level as us towards the end. They annoyed me, but I respected them. Before that I respected: TRWF, TMRD, RDC, GLADZ Obviously Col being our allies and backing us up a million times when we were weak
  21. I just didn't have the energy at that point. It was not going to be easy to convince people into that move. Obviously I could have done as I wished but I really wanted everyone to be on board. Would have definitely done it if the large majority of the clan was behind it. Perhaps I should have explained better or talked through it with everyone 1 on 1. It was really a full-time job leading TT and I didn't have the time or energy to start something new. I would have needed the support of many officials but even they were busy with rl stuff. If we were all younger at the time, it would have been much easier to pull off.
  22. TT used to have a rivalry with Rune Raiders. They were a stronger clan at the time, but we were growing in numbers and better organized. An important fight was arranged with them and DF promised to AC for us. We were actually on good terms with DF, they used to help us out from time to time since many members were friends with each other. DF never showed up (arranged another fight or something), we got crashed and lost the fight. From that point on I took it personally. It didn't escalate drastically until the first World War. DF and Corr had a huge rivalry. Corr was joined by Di while DF fought with VR and Rune Raiders. We didn't like VR and we didn't like RR so we decided to join Corr in that fight. Even though our side lost, DF had an orgasm because we joined the Corr side. I even went on DF forums to make peace with them and explain that there was no sense for us to join their side since they had scummy clans in it. I got flamed and banned (some DF members actually thought it was cool that I wanted to make peace). After that I brainwashed members into hating DF for years. We won all our major fights with DF because everyone was so pumped up to fight them. A lot of RR joined DF so that made things worse as well. On top of that DF allied with VR for a long period... So I think you can understand how easy it was to motivate my members... At the end of the day I was also brainwashed to hate RR, but I got no clue why because that rivalry started before I joined TT. Gotta ask older TT members about that one lol.
  23. RSN Bishinmo CLAN HISTORY The Titans 2005 - 2012 + Collision 2012 - 2013 About Me Hey everyone. It is a bit rough writing something about RS after so many years. Didn't really think I would ever be making topics on clan forums ever again. Honestly didn't even know clans still existed. For the ones that don't know who I am, I used to be a high ranking official in The Titans clan. I started out as a noob pker at hill giants in 2004-2005. At one point I dced and lost my rune set. Rage quit the game for a few months. At the very end of 2005 I introed to The Titans clan. I would say that 2006 was the peak for the clan world in terms of activity and variety of clans. There was action all the time. We were a very small clan at the time, lead by Nhia212. Eventually I got promoted to PK leader. In 2007 I got promoted to Co-leader alongside TMO. We grew fast towards the end of 2007 and eventually became the #1 F2P clan in 2008. After a brief mutiny I became leader. The clan world started to go downhill fast with many clans closing. We generally stayed out of crash wars and the nonsense that happened. After a few years of leading I became a bit tired and left TT to join our allies Collision. Spent some time there until RS 07 came out. Trained up a new account, joined in on the first wildy event. Quit RS the day after because there was no way in hell I was going through all that again. I am still in contact with many TT members. We play random games (some are really random...) Aside from gaming... I work in marketing, I like to go out and drink wine with friends, watch random TV shows, work out and spend as much time at the beach as possible. I hope you are all well during these fucked up times. If I ever flamed you back in the day... know that I truly meant it. Ask away!
  24. Grrrr. Don't be greedy, AMA weekend is almost here...
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