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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Some of the stuff I did to catch spies wasn't "ethical" but no one lost money or anything like that. I did what I had to do to get rid of them. I'd do stuff like go onto people's MSNs and see who they were talking to. Caught a couple of spies that way. When imageshack was a thing we had a "man on the inside" who would tell us the IP address that uploaded a picture. As I previously said we had admin access to most clan websites so that certainly helped in catching spies. I also had moderator access on Zybez when it was in it's prime (not via an exploit). That gave me access to a lot of IP addresses. No one surprised me because I knew who was talking to who and knew when someone was going to turn. There's only one person I think I got it wrong on being a spy but the proof would of been extremely difficult to fake. Rs Shark and his gang were the original anti DI. Yea they'd log/pray/x etc but it was still fun. When people started using "hit and run" tactics and wouldn't fight back it got a bit annoying. Why not stay and have a MB fight. It was a lot of fun. GGS started to show up in DI IRC sometime around 2005 or 6. He used pretend to be Irish and say he was gonna get me etc. Me and him used be really good friends. He didn't join DI until 08 though I think. He came from #pkers on SwiftIRC which was the likes of Hotshot etc.
  2. I'm not a good "gamer" and have never really done much PvM as a consequence. It took me years to get a fire cape and recently I attempted it again and literally got one hit by Jad. People say RS is an easy game but I've been bad at it for 16 or 17 odd years now, not sure what it is.
  3. 1. The pub culture. No other country (besides maybe Scotland, but never been) has something like that. Non Irish people wouldn't get it. 2. I've got a huge passion for sport, especially hurling. No other sport comes close to it in terms of excitement. Currently don't have any real hobbies. Fairly good at DIY so like to take on projects around the house now and again. 3. I've never met anyone from RS irl. Not that I'm against it or anything, just never happened. 4. I'm partial to a pint of Heineken. Although it tastes a lot different in Ireland than other countries before people say it's shit (it is in other countries). Must be something in the water.
  4. Longest I was involved in was 13 (14?) hours vs EH in 2007. I'm sure I read about 24 hour+ fights sometimes during 2010.
  5. In OSRS DI was trying to do something much harder than all other clans. Every other clan was already open when OSRS rolled out. RoT had only closed within the last few months (year max?). DI had been closed for 4 years at that stage. I had to round up people I hadn't spoken to for years and try get the band back together. A lot of those people did not last long. We were only operating on a casual basis because of that. No one was going to commit to hour long fights every weekend. Trying to change that mentality was very difficult and basically involved replacing everyone and starting a new clan. Put it this way, RoT was the DI of the original era for anyone who wanted to take the game very seriously. Bow wasn't DI for very long if I remember right Never considered joining RoT. Unlikely to be the kind of environment I'd "fit in"
  6. 1. SwiftIRC didn't exist when DI started adopting IRC. IRC was mainly a thing the Finnish clanners used and they were on Quakenet. Quakenet was infinitely more secure than what was going on with SwiftIRC. Admins were leaking IPs/passwords/logs etc. 2. Never bothered me in the slightest. Couldn't care less what someone I know says about me. Part of the way I grew up. 3. It would of been nice to have a run as the number clan in OSRS, but that was never going to happen for a lot of reasons. 4. Both of us will still be here involved in clans in some way or other.
  7. Answered previously for the original era so I'll answer for OSRS. As I said I think the guys should of made a new brand/identity. I've seen lots of clans where the original leader stepped down and they've "come back to haunt" the new leadership. "This wouldn't happen under x" etc. You can't fully walk away if something you've put years into is still there. We probably would of continued to be a powerhouse in the original era for as long as I had the desire. Think if we had stayed open the landscape for clans would of been a lot different since DI closing freed up 180 odd people to go to other clans.
  8. Talked to Flako about him the other day. He's been MIA for a few years apparently.
  9. 1. Answered this already but I let the talkers do the talking. Ran the intel in the background. 2. Best in the original era was winning official wars. No bad memories from then. OSRS best was probably when we won a very long fight against DF, can't remember how long it was but it put us firmly above them. 3. We already talked on and off about other stuff. He didn't sell anything to me really just said I'd give it ago. 4. DF 5. Nope, long gone. 6. With the benefit of hindsight I would of become more lenient with our strict rules, it would of kept DI ahead of the game in all areas. 7. Nah
  10. Not that big of a food person really. Kind of a fussy eater until I've had a few pints then I'll eat anything.
  11. The original run definitely not. We had so much laughs every single day. I was still quite young when I called it a day. The second run maybe I should of packed up a bit sooner (talking like 6 months here not years) because mentally I was checked out. Wouldn't say I regret it but it was probably a waste of time continuing.
  12. 1. Probably building DI up to become as big/influential as it was. Yes I was in the "right place at the right time" but I didn't have to become leader. I had no ambition or intention of becoming leader but I was the "people's choice". A lot of the things clans would go on to do were influenced by idea's that DI came up with. 2. Very rarely go abroad to be honest. Not my thing. Ideal vacation for me is a "staycation" and going to the pub everyday or something like that. 3. Never really been a book person to be honest. More of a movie guy, really love watching old movies.
  13. I did not create DI, but having led for 5 years I felt DI was "mine" and everyone else was of that opinion. Handing down leadership was something no one would of ever considered back then. The guys, especially Flako and Tomisme might not of been ready to quit but there's no way they would of continued without me. I was a big behind the scenes factor in getting them set up with RJ. I think everyone could of kept going for maybe another year or so but a lot of those guys were coming up on the age where they'd be heading off to uni etc. As I said RoT were gaining on us fast so I thought it was better to go out on top.
  14. 1. Sure it was a lot of fun. People think RoT are/were big with reddit etc and what now these days but DI was on another level. Clan world was massive then and we could do what we wanted. From 04 until around mid 06 we could pull off anything without any fear of losing. We'd have DI vs the world fights and win with ease. Jagex made a news post when DI closed and jmods wanted to interview me. I also got invited to jagex HQ later on to discuss clans (along with some other leaders I believe) but declined. 2. Of course. I was there from the very beginning. MB was a lot of fun when the game was simple. I'd always fight to the death, which not everyone did. "No honor" tactics ruined it. 3. He's still rocking it and it's as strong as ever.
  15. 1. Cringe. Nah but really he's grand once you get to know him. Think a lot of people are quick to "judge a book by it's cover" with him. 2. I'd guess the 13 hour fight vs EH in the original era. That was the longest at the time. They went on longer after DI had closed. I was there for every minute of every fight in original DI. Being the leader and leaving would of sent a bad sign. Couldn't keep that up in OSRS really with work etc. 3. In the original era plenty at the start, but once I was able to put my own stamp on it not really because I only picked people I knew I'd be able to work well with. In OSRS D156 was really hard to work with so I just had to demote him. Had disagreements with others of course but that's part and parcel of it. 4. I never had many friends outside of DI. In the original era I'd guess Lyncea, even though she was DI briefly. In OSRS probably the people I spoke most to that weren't in DI was either b289 or True. 5. Between me and Ekaggen we did a lot of "out of game" no honor stuff in the original run. We used exploits against multi clan forums for spying purposes. We had admin access in RSD, DS, EH, VR, TD as far as I remember. In OSRS nothing really. Did get RoT to ddos Freds Great for us so we could see who his account in DI was. Caught him easily when he dced at the same time he was hit off. 6. Never really had more than like 200. Back before GE rune smithers were affiliated with clans. E.G you'd either smith for DI or DS and you'd get a lot of business that way.
  16. I took it once, I'd guess it was worth about $300-$400 at the time I took it. It should be on youtube. Way back in 04 when no one would even dare touch us we used regularly take rares pking but they were worth a lot less then. Again, like I said previously, I was just so tired. I could of kept going, but the game was going to shit so all in all it was probably the right time. Definitely prefer backend work. Done plenty of frontend work but it's not really my thing.
  17. I know people are expecting me to KO him here but in my book yes. Other officials strongly disliked him though so it would of never worked.
  18. In the early days levels. We had such a huge advantage level wise over every other clan. Then when people caught up with us we just had better tactics and technology. There was also an element of fear in the early days. Eventually though, age caught up with us especially in OSRS. People with family and work commitments can't compete with people who can spend their entire life online.
  19. It never bothered me. There was times when I'd have to go private off etc to just do what I wanted for a bit. It's nice be "popular" because that means people remember you whenever I come back from being away for a long time and people will always message me.
  20. "Hear me out" "We have a few women"
  21. When I started clanning no one even considered using voice comms for fights etc (it didn't exist). The organisation was so bad back then compared to even 06 on wards. When people started using teamspeak it was obvious to me I wouldn't be a caller, so I let others do that side of things. I did use my mic a bit towards the end of the first run of DI but not during fights etc. I let people who were good at it do it. Not talking during fights allowed me to focus on a lot of other things like intel coming in etc. I ran things in the background during fights.
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