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Posts posted by Germs22

  1. 14 hours ago, bobman212 said:

    What are some of your fondest memories of THE and TF?

    I miss large scale wars - even though we were ABSOLUTELY slaughtered the scale of 'The' vs 'DS' was insane. The world we warred on had like a 4x4 draw distance. We had a friendly steel war(lol) vs TMRD that boiled down to a 1v1 with yogosun winning. I joined TF right around the time Phobia close so I didn't have the opportunity to experience that rivalry. I remember one time that adelais posted a video of them logging into a TF forum account one time so I tried some names that looked similar to the pixelated with the password 123456 and found the account, lmfao. I remember we had one win vs DF and they were FURIOUS on rsc, then we just dodged them for months. I also NO LIFED bandits for like two weeks to win a training contest, I didn't have an abby whip because my account was pretty much only combat

    Biggest regret?

    TF admins would vote for members after a two week trial period. I wish I had been a little more lenient when voting to accept people in. TF was bound to fold though, it was beginning to reach a point where all top 20 clans had 110+ combat average. Pest Control turned combat training on its head. Maybe increase 'the' clan combat req. A lot of people didn't really feel included after graduating to 'The'. I don't really blame them, it's tough to mix the old guard with the new guard, esp. when after you graduated the majority of your friends were still in TF. I don't think there were enough inter-clan pks. We should have also had more wars. Warring died in favor of returning fights, and people didn't really want to spend millions on rune sets with their in game experience.

    Things you wish you got to do with THE and TF?

    Honestly I was 13-14 at the time, I just really loved TF. 'The' clan was very anchored in their mannerisms and people interested in pking clans had much better options.

    Any funny stories you can tell us?

    One time someone as acting a little TOO enthusiastic so I told them I had my eye on them (as a TF spy) in MSN messenger... later on I joined the same clan as them (Adelais) and they confessed to me that I made them scared shitless and they were infact spying LMAO

    Who was the spy shh ? I won't tell 

    I'm genuinely curious lol

  2. 2 hours ago, true said:

    If you were to reopen 'THE' Clan in 2020, what would be your approach? (Assuming you have the time etc.)

    I think I've been so out of the loop when it came to the clan world I wouldn't know where to begin. I think my approach would be the same now as it was back then. Create a core group of dedicated loyal members that have more that surface level bonds and then go from there. Challenge smaller clans and work our way up like we always have.


    ...and yes it would be a more pking focused clan along with PVM in-between for money. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Mkm2384 said:

    I hope he never see this, I know he's calmed down over the years but I don't know if I can handle the inflate of the ego over that one.


    Thank you all for doing this, I rather enjoyed this trip down memory lane and think i'll need to make my bi-annual trip to Gladz boards to see who is still kicking. Kinda wish I'd had made more of an effort to get to know the other Alliance clans more. Unfortunately the me of 04-07 was short sighted,

    Lol that old bastard still plays? If u also see neohotblaze and erador tell them I say hi.

    Yea I wish I could relieve those summers just once.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Krystal said:

    Oh my gosh! It's so wonderful to see you guys here!!  Back when I was dating Fbk, I considered "The" to be a 2nd family to me.  I think at one point, I was actually close to joining "The" even lol.  Orange Ownage! ❤️ 

    I am terrible at constructing interesting questions, but I will make an attempt: 

    For the majority of my time in Gladz [03-07],  I think the common opinion was that Gladz was seen as the "powerhouse" of The Alliance.  Gladz was known for pulling the big numbers to official wars and bringing home the wins; glory to The Alliance!  However, "The" had quite the system going on having a whole separate clan, TF, designed to produce loyal members to join their warforce as well.  Did this prove to be effective in developing a stronger clan over the course of time? Or did you find that many people who were in TF went on to join other clans instead after they could have joined "The"?  Additionally, did "The" ever reach a point where you felt like it overtook Gladz as being powerhouse of The Alliance? I ask this for my own genuine curiosity because in my last year of Gladz, there were many opinions that Gladz was dwindling in power and becoming more casual, less of a force to be reckoned with.   If this was the case, did "The" ever get their time to shine and be the face of The Alliance? 

    Hi Krystal, we had many great memories glad to see you amongst those that's still kicking.

    I think the TF system worked for us. Most of the people that eventually became staff were from TF or at least most of my generals, because they knew to what degree being organized was key to winning in battle.

    I do think that towards the end outside of 05/06 Gladz began to decline not because they lost power but because clans began to favor long PKRIs as oppose to wars. 

    THE was able to keep up with the top clans at this point, I remember us having a 10 hour pkri with EOS and an even longer one with Downfall just because we were tok stubborn to lose. I don't think Gladz wanted that.

  5. 2 minutes ago, true said:

    I'm not sure if you but Gladz are still alive and well over RS3 with a pretty big community.


    Apart from I believe TMRD/Jagz hanging around with smaller communities of their own, what do you think about Gladz has allowed them to stay active and poppin through 2020? 



    There's some old Gladz members like Rafi that just refuse to close up shop. I think it's partly due to being stubborn and also because they still enjoy each other.

    Us THE members are content on flaming Adrian on discord, we don't need a forum for that. ?

  6. 10 minutes ago, RagingPanda said:

    THE was definitely a clan of prestigious and rich background. What do you think was the main reason THE declined in it's later years? And would it have been something that can be prevented? 


    @Moombatamer5 when will you be joining TT Discord? 

    THE declined because RuneScape declined. Our strengths were we were able to train members from a really low level stage through TF and when there's less and less new players on RuneScape much less those that was to spend 10 hours to pkri then it's all a cause and effect.

  7. 4 minutes ago, true said:

    Back on topic... maybe ?


    What are your favorite fights from THE's history?


    Favorite fights/events from The Alliance?


    Favorite and least favorite clans of all time, outside of THE and TA of course ? 

    I can name two. 

    THE vs TRWF steel war. Idk why it was steel but who cares. It was prob 240 opts vs 240 opts and it came down to 1 person surviving and that was freaking Yogosun.

    THE vs DS just from the hype of it. We had been #4 warring at that point just behind DS, Gladz and DI and we challenged DS for their spot and I just remember the hype for it. We had over 120 yes sign ups just on the first day. Eventually we would have over 220-240 people show up but King Cj had set up the rules with DS that was very unfavorable to us.

    Favorite fight with TA? Gslax birthday which happened to turn into TA vs DS. Pretty sure we made DS regroup in every corner of the wild through the sheer amount of people we had, but alas they outlasted us.

    Favorite: TT, TRWF, DI, EH, RSD

    Least: VR, ROT, EXO, Downfall, Adelais 

  8. 1 minute ago, Eric`` said:

    I feel like me and you did so much for that clan that the uppers never appreciated lmao. I loved working with you, I loved mage banking with you, and I loved crashing that gay steelwar with steel arrows with you lmao

    I can only speak for myself. It's not that we didn't appreciate anything you did. We basically made you a general in a few months of you joining us because we knew you were capable. We were worried, that in your past there was always something that caused you to quit/kicked that we didn't want to be in a position to rely on you solely as either a GK or a leader. I think I took that position on mostly anyone. Before me there was 3 leaders for a reason, and that was to keep the balance. I prob could not envision anyone leading beside you or matt in what you guys were back then that would compliment you guys without being overrun by your big personalities.

  9. 10 minutes ago, 3lite said:

    Thank you all for being willing to participate in this topic.

    In the 2005-2006 period, I was a Rider of Rohan in Gladz.  At the time, I really valued the relationship that the alliance had.  I can relate to what Germs had mentioned about the ability to attend each clan's trips because I really enjoyed joining BK for their PK trips (my brother was in BK) and occasionally joined "The" on PK trips.  I can remember the Gladz opinion on a few alliance-related issues, but wanted to see if you all had any insights on the following:

    1.) The Devilz was a Gladz ally, but had a poor relationship with several of the other alliance clans.  It was often a source of contention between the clans.  Things got confusing when I would join TD on their pk trips, and they'd end up hitting an alliance clan.  I logged out in this situation and would not participate, but I do remember a few Gladz that got reprimanded for fighting alongside The Devilz against alliance clans.  Do you remember if there were any leadership discussions in "The" about how to handle The Devilz~Gladz alliance situation?

    2.) Initially, there was resistance to incorporating TMRD into the alliance and it was in negotiations for several months before they were formally admitted to the alliance (I think BK didn't like the idea, but forget the opinion from "The").  Do you remember the stance that "The" had on TMRD at the time?

    3,) In hindsight, I believe that the alliance could have collectively hurt Gladz, BK, TMRD, and "The."  These four clans had a unique perspective and ambition in the clan world, valuing large scale, infrequent wars over frequent PKRIs.  Because these four clans were so similar in their approach, there was an opportunity for rivalry and competition to promote a different style of PvP play than the direction the clan world went.  Do you think if the alliance didn't exist, it would have caused the four aforementioned clans to be more competitive with each other, promote more competition and interest in warring throughout the clan world, and (perhaps) thrive as long-term forces in PvP?

    Lastly, respect to Germs22.  I remember him as an extremely positive force in the alliance and I do think he helped to promote a friendly atmosphere between Gladz and "The."

    Hi mate, you and a few others like Seike, finaltank, Rafi, Pequ, thirddegree, and Krista are amongst who I remember from Gladz and always had a great time.

    1. My memory is foggy during this time but I'll try to answer. I think the TD relationship did cause some friction but that was because they stole our cape color. Honestly, for the most part THE didn't face TD that often as I remember they were competing with DI for #1 for a while.

    2. Inducting TMRD into the alliance was slighty before me, I think I might have been TF coordinator still lol but I asked Orbital2 previous Leader of THE on discord and he said "they were just tight with us and it made sense" haha so there you have it. 

    3. I honestly can't say if individually we could have succeeded more. I do know that prob Gladz and THE would prob have competed against each other the best amongst the 4 clans. We were both warring powerhouses at our peak and would have pushed each other. But I think still being compared to each other did push us, I remember being extra motivated when you guys beat DS to do something similar. But knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have changed the alliance.

    And thanks for the kind words.

    • heart 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Saxo said:

    How much you spend on TW? Thoughts on it being more pay to win than Rs3 nowadays?


    What's your name and server/worlds you play on?


    A few of us started up on tribalwars.Us a while back and won a few worlds , Runites 12 and some DF are still playing 47 on .Us I think under the kabts85 acc

    Current on .net servers and yes the use of premium has made it that much less fun but I still enjoy playing with some core players. Am on world 115 on the JoeExotic account. Haven't won yet because fucking swedes.

  11. 40 minutes ago, Eric`` said:

    @Germs22 have you ever thought what might of been had we all stayed together in 2006? A lot of the people that left would go on to be upper leadership in CoR, DF and of course TR, two of which would go on to battle for the top spot for over a year. I really feel like we were on track to being something special.

    I mean we were on a 15 pkri winning spree, I think looking in hindsight, we had what it took to be a consistent top 5 clan in PKRIs but with what we know now, every clan has its ups and downs and eventual demise. Ill just remember that summer for the good that came out of it. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Eric`` said:

    Iceman didn't want to leave, neither did I, or taien, BD, xmas, gasm, etc... You're officials, Enzock, Adrian, and Xaqxa kicked me because they were upset 'the' was succeeding without them. I've also heard you gave them the go ahead but thats neither here nor there :P. Then they abandoned the right after and went to cor outside of adrian. This is what I mean bro, we ALL loved 'the', you allowed a minority to push us out.


    Also @JayJay and @Applerune can tell you guys how they went on to kill corruption too. ;\

    It's been so long but I don't think I was leader at this point and somewhat semi retired but I always tried to keep the family together even if y'all were being asshats. Ask adrian on discord why he kicked you, I'm sure he'll write a few paragraphs ?

  13. 17 minutes ago, true said:

    Thoughts on @Eric`` aka La Hire 44? ?

    La hire is infamous on his own rights for good reason.

    I had a thing against him for a while because he turned a couple of our members against us including Icy, which I personally made a general because of his potential. 

    But I do realize that Iceman prob had thoughts of leaving even before la hire and la hire kinda gave him the last nudge.

    • sus 2
  14. 17 minutes ago, Pietru said:

    @Germs22 or anyone else who would like to talk about it


    How was THE Alliance like? Anything behind the scenes that the clan world didn't know about?

    Being in the alliance was great for me, it meant I could go on more pk trips even if my own clan didn't have one set up. I would just hitch a ride on theirs and get free loot lol. I would sometimes get in trouble when people on RSC would say THE was with them but in reality it was just me.

    One thing that not a lot of people knew was that not all of the leaders got along. Ofc with different egos and priorities there were conflicts but I think we respected the alliance itself not to blow it up.

  15. 9 minutes ago, true said:

    What are some clans you wish you got to experience looking back?


    What clan clan do you feel like was the "greatest" during the era you played/clanned?


    Using people from all eras, what is your dream 'THE' officials team?

    Honestly over the years multiple people had tried recruiting me but I never pulled the trigger. Always wanted to experience what being in DI was at their peak. Along with TT bc my boy Jayzy was in there. 


    People claimed the 05/06 years as the greatest because there would always be action. I remember scouting on lvl 3 nubs and noticing 150 opts of random lithuanians and mustering to hunt them. This was everyday back then. The wild was just alive. 


    Honestly I don't know. It's hard to say because I'm close to all my officials, even those that have since left and joined other clans. 

    Would prob go something like this.

    Caller - Iceman

    Community - Moomba or Lkg Sabre

    Drew22 for laughs 

    Gslax to head our P2P

    Tweak for Snipe unit 

    And many more 

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