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Empire Mind

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Everything posted by Empire Mind

  1. He'd make these topics quite frequently, you can see how he words things to make you almost feel guilty for him, but as you can see many officials were already on the decline with Kao at this time. Kao was good at this, but time and time again proved he was always the same. But hey, Eomeri! How have things been! Do you still play the game or moved on?
  2. I got kicked with like 4-5 people. But if I was the first person than fuck you!
  3. I'm just not used to them. I haven't really been active fully since OSRS came out. I do agree they're the better solution now since nobody has the time to commit to the game. I don't personally hate time caps at all, they're the thing of the future and show how you can compete in a timely matter. I agree with the uncapped fights just proved who had more time they could spend on the game and glad that's over. Now when clans fight for hours it doesn't prove a thing.
  4. Street b0y was put as an FA manager and it shocked me because the guy was actually insane I think. Erika was in Vr prior to being a clan friend for years and recently came back. Tiffany I got no idea why she was given a chance, I don't feel she deserved to be ranked as she was a full on racist, and agree she was ranked due to the fact she was a female. Diegosage just didn't try ever, he was more worried about World of Warcraft and I feel like he didn't have a say when Evizu was around so he just stopped trying until he was demoted. I still Sparze personally enjoys having that type of hype behind his name, he's truly never done anything bad, but ever since I've known him he's been like this and he'll never change.
  5. Not that I remember. I'd bring binds every death even when leading but usually would bind naked.
  6. I was cocky back then yeah, perhaps a wannabe. I did always want to be a top caller in the game and known for it. Everything is well, hopefully is the same for you also!
  7. It was kinda the downfall for me as I was on a decline of already enjoying the game, but the whole doxing thing was the downfall of the clanning scene. I was doxed shortly after leaving ROT, and I was living with my parents at the time and they got my parents information and would constantly phone my parents and harass them about things my parents didn't even know and trying to explain older parents about it being people from online was awkward. They also tried to get my work information, which could of cost me my job. I've never agreed with doxing and never will agree with that stuff. It got the point after getting doxed when I took a break and had to change all my information in real life due to it. The fact that there was even talks about a year ago about bigger clans doxing each other (ROT/REV) and others is one of the reasons I left REV due to the fact I was in my late 20's and wasn't going to deal with that situation again.
  8. Hey Vech! Vr has always been my family and the clan I've had the most memorable moments in. I don't think I have a "key memorable moment" as everyday was a new day when being in this clan. I'd maybe say when we stuck it to TT and hunted them daily and showing clans we weren't afraid of anyone and didn't matter if it was a one vs one, or a one vs four and would fight back for hours and hold our own. Officials I got along with in our prime: Evizu, Nodari, D2master, Lukas, D1e2n3, Viper, Cera, Ruler321, Silverthug, Nitrox Oxide, Kronca, Aaamanion, Ando, Ultraprono, Blazer, Spirius, and a lot of others. Officials I didn't get along with : Craigberry, Kaochin, Luck Z, Jaguarrr, Tiffany, Matty1298, PaladinWiz. I didn't dislike these people but didn't like their attitudes or decisions as much as above a lot made decisions that I feel in the end hurt Vr in the end.
  9. Personally nothing, all I do is stake if I come online or go to events. But both are rare nowadays. I'm more focused on my real life success than on a video game. Sadly yes I was pretty active prior to this DK merge, I was a warlord. Didn't agree with the decision but this was Kao burning it into Mike's brain that we needed to merge with a clan to be successful, after they mass joined I went mia for months until I heard the merge was over. Never agreed with this stupid decision but Evizu was MIA at the time.
  10. Not in any order, but always felt confident when these guys were leading. Cera S6 D2master12 Brian289 Arma150 (When he was in his prime and I came back as just a member) Jay Jay
  11. I'm actually still apart of VR, I ended up going back to VR after a few months after leaving ROT. I answered above about the logs, it was just mostly spite against them crashing me over and over for a 6-7 month period. Decided to leave after a few decisions I didn't agree with and back then a warlord didn't get much of a say as we were looked as just in game callers. Kaochinx - Kaochinx and Cera have always been close and he's always got Cera to back him for many of the things he's done (Never agreed with this). I personally feel the difference between us was I wanted what was best for VR at the time and Kao wanted what was best for him, even in OSRS he'd convince members to stake their banks and he'd loan them money and make them play the game to gain interest in the game again which many didn't, and would buy GP then quit the game . He'd make decisions that he thought were best for the clan and in hindsight really weren't , but Kao always felt like he was a leader and nobody would really say anything to him as he was viewed as a top caller within the clan world. His ego was always his problem just as mine was. But he took it too far and would almost test his limits I felt to see if we'd kick him. Myself - I personally cared for many of our members and tried to keep in contact with everyone as the "good guy who everyone liked". I was more quiet behind the scenes and just went with what we were doing as a clan and should of spoke up more. I didn't look at our members as just another 3 options. I'd talk to anyone and everyone who wanted to talk about just anything.
  12. About myself: Name is Steve if nobody knows, I'm 30 and pretty inactive in terms of Runescape but have been within the clan world for the last 14-15 years, I don't enjoy the game like I use too but still try and make time to come online and talk to people/attend events when I can. I've traveled thru most of Canada, thru the United States somewhat, and been to Japan a few times. I'm mostly known for being a VR warlord thru the peak era of the clan world IMO. List of clans I've been apart of/rank. EOS: Warlord VR: Warlord Corr: Pk leader Rot - Member Df - Member Other teams I've been apart of : Frozen fury/Brutality/Ancient Fury/Kill Orgy/Revenant/Aggression v2 when Vr was F2P and I ventured out to p2p. You can ask me anything related to RS/VR in general as nobody in Vr will do this so I can answer the best I can, and some rl stuff. If I've ever had beef with you in the past then I'm sorry for how I was, everyone was different when they were 16-20. And yes, I'm the guy who leaked VR admin logs just awaiting all the questions about it.
  13. Hey Rick! I used to always hate you due to the beef between our clans for years despite not even knowing you. Shocking how when we both retired and actually started talking in my short time in DF and we'd play hours upon hours of League and seen you were actually a stand up guy and we became close. Makes me regret how I acted when I first came into the clanning scene. I hope everything is going good for you man!
  14. Nicotine, work perfection, big bouncy titties on tik tok!
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