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Empire Mind

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Everything posted by Empire Mind

  1. What was your thoughts on the Vr leadership at the time of our Era? Evizu - Dennis - Kaochinx - Mike - Arma - Lukas - Rad - Craigberry - Empire -
  2. Respect, I miss you Derek. When are you going to start snapping me again with your 6 pack and bad bitches is the real question!
  3. Hey @3lite @Vanuckle how's it been? Haven't talked to you 3lite since the good day coming back to OSRS and finding you at the rogue place cooking and we talked for a while and I thought you were coming back to the game at that point. Did you guys ever feel "hyped/more determined" to winning a fight when going against a certain clan and it'd change your attitude/leadership style for the whole fight?
  4. Captain Hook. Legit though, don't think he should of ever gotten leader. He was never fully in his right mind. He was pure VR but thought with on demand actions, not on long term decisions.
  5. Most of it was when nobody did in top 5 did p2p so I joined p2p single teams or multi teams ?
  6. Runescape Name - Empire Mind Preferred Name - Steve Discord ID - Current Clan - Vr Previous Clan History - EoS, Df, Corr, Rot, Frozen Fury, Aggression, IP, Rev, Kill Orgy, Brutality, VR Who do you know in Tempest? - Anyone who is oldschool throughout pre EoC Are you interested in joining? - Don't have time even if I was interested ? Brief Introduction - For anyone who doesn't know. My name is Steve, been an EoS warlord, Vr warlord, Corr warlord. Used to take this game way too serious back in the day as I always strived to the best, but changed my attitude and don't start drama. Just enjoyed seeing a lot of familiar faces from over the decade and wish Tempest the best in your guys advantage.
  7. Always liked you when you were Vr. Would you of ever taken a rank within Vr if it was ever presented to you?
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