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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Which 3 countries do America need to declare war on to help promote christian values
  2. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Do you think women are the property of their husband? Do Women have too many rights? Such as voting, ability to drive a car unsupervised, and even having control over their body
  3. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Most people who have read mein kampf think it’s a horrible book. Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?
  4. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Which organisations do you think are too right wing even for your ideology, and that you wouldn’t want to be mistaken with
  5. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    When you’re sat on public transport and hear someone speaking a foreign language, how does that make you feel and should it be illegal?
  6. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    How do you know Texas is the best place on earth if you’ve never left America? why did Jesus not live in Texas, or even travel to Texas? I think Jesus didn’t like Texas
  7. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Do you think proud boys are misrepresented in media?
  8. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    An amendment to the rules of Quidditch in 1849 determined that if a member of the crowd cast any spell on a player, their team would automatically forfeit the match, whether or not the team ordered or approved of the magic performed. This rule caused huge outcry at the 1873 world cup where the tournament had no winner. Do you agree that this amendment should have been made, and do you have any thoughts on the revision for the 1877 tournament?
  9. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    which 3 countries do you want to visit
  10. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    If you're sent to a desert island what 3 things would you take and why
  11. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    What do you think we should do about global warming?
  12. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Many people believe southern states are not very diverse, and I was reading that there's early stage talks to build an Islamic teaching school spearheaded by Abu Qatada in one of the states (I think Arkansas is the frontrunner atm). What more do you think Texas needs to do to lure the bid your way?
  13. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Do you have a manifesto and can you share the key points?
  14. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    If one of your friends came out as homosexual what would you do next?
  15. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Per capita southern baptists have a higher conviction rate for pedophilia than the Catholic Church. Why is this and how should all churches repair their names?
  16. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    What’s the biggest animal you’ve killed hunting
  17. would be nice to know if people write in blue or black ink red and green are for psychos btw nvm i just type
  18. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    What are your thoughts on the European Super League and are the fans right to be pissed off at the concept?
  19. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    how can we restore peace in the middle east
  20. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    --- In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with the topic creator or with the group of people he associates with in real life. I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by this member of the community. ---
  21. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    what runescape agility update do you most fantasise about
  22. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    If you could change any part of the constitution what would it be and why
  23. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    you seem like a nice local community member, do you mentor any kids and spend some quality 1 on 1 time with them to help them grow and develop?
  24. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Do you own any guns and if so which is your favourite?
  25. Josh

    Jebrim AMA

    Wots ur view on the covid pandemic or should we say plandemic
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