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Everything posted by Graciok

  1. GF WL. rot not even trying to fight back, took em while to realise they simply cant compete
  2. Quite cool, I just dont need mobility
  3. Regulations are different across countries, according safety- if rentals are the only thing u tried its understandable u didnt feel safe, they often have plastic wheels and are low quality overall. I got over 10k km overall on scooters/wheels and never had any crash. Before I transitioned to wheels I had this bad boy going up to 90km/h.
  4. Surley PEV cant replace car for good, but if ur making short trips <10km to work, basic scooter will save u alot of money and also make trips refreshing and enjoyable compared to car
  5. @Wee Man O ye, UK law along with singapore are most fucked up. I always wonder where that fucking green/eco talk goes when it comes to PEV in certain countries that love that eco PR. Beside that not everone like to arrive to point of destination sweaty like a fucking dog (bicycle)
  6. PEV(personal electric vehicles) owners report in! If u dont own any, are you considering getting one? Are they legal in your country? Here are 3 of my devices, wheel to left is basicaly one of best and most capable wheels currently produced, wheel to right is wheel with most torque (currently in repair), and casual cheap xiaomi scooter that I keep as backup or for friends. Best and fastest city transportation method, car is not even close
  7. IDK why but this: SMD TT guess is the rhyme
  8. What always amazed me pre GE, especialy during RS days was market self-regulation mechanics. How prices settled at certain point due to demand-supply correlation and how they fluctuated upon certain changes. Cool simplified and smaller scale example of IRL market mechanics, should be presented to people who doubt in market self-regulating mechanics or dont understand how inflation can influence prices and money value, like a most basic economy lesson
  9. water aint going well with vodka, i dont like water.
  10. Yorick aka kanker toplane, hi
  11. Depends if I currently have boner kappa
  12. Strongly recomnend books, im fan of witcher content in any form 😛
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