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Clark Kent

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Everything posted by Clark Kent

  1. Of course, thisis 2021 you know.
  2. I can't specifically remember who did it, but during my time in DF between 08 and 09 pre crash war. DF was doing exceptionally well and we beat DI in a PKRI run in that lasted a long time (6 hours or so if my memory serves me right) and someone suggested we spammed #1 F2p #P2p and that pissed alot of people off, and it was funny because DF didn't really P2P at all during this era. Corruption
  3. Now theres a name I haven't seen in ages. Hello and grats on the baby frenchfry
  4. They waste so much time on the dumbest shit, how about the login issues and more content? The game has been out 8 years and the amount of content is weak in comparison to most RPG's that are out that long.
  5. Just curious what retail company you're apart of?
  6. I left CR to save DF @true Dark Slayers
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